Caltrans主管Randy Iwasaki在沥青路面行业会议上进行了交谈,对“紧张”运输资金进行了坦率的评估,Caltrans-Construction行业合作伙伴关系和绿色倡议的重要性。

在11月12日加利福尼亚州加州沥青路面论坛的人中,有:卡拉帕执行董事罗素·斯奈德(Russell Snyder),托尼·利马斯(Russell Snyder),托尼·利马斯(Tony Limas)与花岗岩建筑一起,乔治·里德(George Reed Inc.)与乔治·里德(George Reed Inc.,并跳过Brown,使用Delta Construction和Asphalt Consulting Services,LLC跳过。

Iwasaki, who took over the top job at the state highway department earlier this year from Will Kempton, delivered the keynote address at the filled-to-capacity California Asphalt Pavement Forum Nov. 12, organized by the California Asphalt Pavement Association, at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento.

Addressing one of the chief concerns of the construction industry in a recession economy — highway funding — Iwasaki says, “There’s not a lot of money pouring into the coffers of transportation to deal with this aging infrastructure. You see it every day in the pavement.”




But despite the lower revenues available for transportation, the federal economic stimulus bill has helped soften the blow, he adds.

他说:“《恢复法》对加利福尼亚来说不可能在加利福尼亚的更好的时刻到来。”他补充说,加利福尼亚目前能够以价值12.6亿美元的恢复美元向370个项目汇入370个项目。18luck官网高速公路街道收到的加利福尼亚总额为25.7亿美元。To critics who charge that the stimulus money has not made it way to projects quick enough, he adds that California has awarded more projects worth more dollars than any other state, but that “you may not see a lot of it because they’re just starting.”



“Partnership — partnering with the construction industry — (is) very important,” he says. “We don’t build anything, the last time I checked. What we do is that we’ll design the projects, we’ll get them environmentally cleared, but the contractors build the projects. And that’s why I try to remind everybody that we work together to build a safe and efficient transportation system.”


“Caltrans and our partners ... create jobs,” he says. “We’re good for the economy.” He also voices support for the pavement preservation program, saying it provided a good value for taxpayers with relatively little overhead. He also says the various “green” initiatives Caltrans and the construction industry are advancing, such as the use of Warm Mix Asphalt and more recycled asphalt, are helping road construction and maintenance be more environment-friendly.

Speaking to the conference earlier in the day, Caltrans State Pavement Engineer Dr. Shakir Shatnawi echoed a similar partnership theme, saying, “We’re all in this together. There’s no other way to be.”

Shatnawi also expresses support for the concept of joint Caltrans-industry training and joint certification for asphalt test methods. The conference also featured a presentation by Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Executive Director Tom Peterson on the successful joint training and certification program underway in Colorado. A joint Caltrans-industry “task group” has recently formed under the auspices of the Caltrans-Industry Rock Products Committee to explore implementing such a program in California.

Tony Limas, technical services manager with Granite Construction, presented the very latest on Warm Mix Asphalt, including a rundown of the various pilot projects that have been done in California. Granite has extensive Warm Mix Asphalt experience in California and across the nation. The National Asphalt Pavement Association estimates that within five years more than half of all asphalt produced will be of the warm mix type, which can be produced at lower temperatures, emits less pollutants and uses less fuel to make.

萨克拉曼多(Sacramento)Delta Construction Co.的总裁,Asphalt Consulting Services,LLC的创始人,更新了与沥青有关的新的Caltrans Pavement Splooks规范的会议与会者。特别令人感兴趣的是,在薄型叠加层上,Caltrans和行业代表之间的语言被敲定。

乔治·里德公司(George Reed,Inc。)的杰克·范·柯克(Jack Van Kirk)详细概述了Caltrans第39节沥青规范的重大更改,后来在小组讨论中进行了剖析,其中包括Teichert汇总质量控制主管John Schmidt。Calapa计划赞助该州各地的一系列研讨会,以教育接触者,城市和县公共工程机构对规范的含义更改以及更改对项目的影响。18luck官网

Asphalt pavement consult and former CalAPA Executive Director Roger Smith gave a presentation on specialty mixes, including porous pavements and intersection mixes, and Twining Labs Technical Services Manager Tom Carter gave a comprehensive presentation on recycled asphalt pavement (RAP).

The event was sponsored by Granite Construction, Maxam Equipment , MeadWestvaco, Sasol Corp., PQ Corp. and Valero Refining. All conference presentations areavailable to download at the CalAPA website.