While the recent shutdown of an 11-mile stretch of the Interstate 405 in Los Angeles proved to be more “Carma-good” than “Carmageddon,” Southern California transportation officials are quick to point out the operation didn’t go smoothly by accident.

洛杉矶Kiewit基础设施集团项目经理Ron Rattai在7月18日发表的一份声明中说:“在这种情况下,所有有关方面都100%专注于安全有效地完成工作,并超出了期望。”总承包商为这项工作而被称为I-405 Sepulveda Pass扩大项目。


从7月15日晚上开始的两天,从I-10到美国的405个方向都被关闭了两个方向,使工人可以部分拆除Mulholland Drive Bridge。尽管许多观察家担心关闭会在洛杉矶造成交通破坏,但事实证明这一活动绝对是平坦的:预知的驾驶者远离了那个周末的405个周末,而Road Crews能够在7月17日之前完成所需的工作 - 全面18-提前几个小时,而流量的干扰最小。

405关闭是一项正在进行的计划的一部分,旨在改善I-10和美国101号高速公路之间的高速公路。所有这些改进是否实际发生的一切都肯定是:只有6.14亿美元的国家债券货币已被指定为这项耗资10亿美元的项目。自从萨克拉曼多(Sacramento)最近的预算协议和提高债券评级提高的债券评级以来,即使州取消了其2011年初的债券销售,该州甚至取消了其2011年初的债券销售,即使这一收入也在播出。但是,假设MTA和Caltrans的联合努力是完全资助的,它将标准化车道尺寸,增加10英里的高占用的车道车道以及18英里的声音和挡土墙,在Wilshire Boulevard上安装天桥,宽阔13个地下通道并重新平衡27个越野和外坡道。

The project also includes the replacement of three overpasses, and therein laid the seeds of Carmageddon. Two of the overpasses – the Sunset Boulevard and Skirball Center Drive bridges – were designed with center support columns. The load-bearing pylons enabled workers to demolish the bridges in stages while keeping the freeway underneath open. The Sunset overpass was demolished in January 2010, the Skirball Center Drive overpass 10 months later.

But the 579-foot-long Mulholland Drive Bridge was different. Built in 1960 (coincidentally enough, by Kiewit), when no one realized just how much Angelenos would come to rely on the highway that ran beneath it, the bridge had no center columns. “There was simply no way we could safely demolish that bridge with the freeway open,” Sotero said.All that could be done, he said, was for the 405 to be shuttered in both directions, while workers destroyed the southern half of the bridge, rebuild it over an 11-month period, then destroy and rebuild the northern half. When finished, expected sometime in 2013, the new bridge would be 680 feet long.

因此,晚上7点7月15日,星期五,工人开始一次在Sepulveda通行证上关闭车道,直到整个高速公路离线为止。午夜左右,有85辆卡车拖着在一座名副其实的污垢山上,一群工人用它在Mulholland Drive桥下建造了一个4英尺高的污垢堆栈,到达了垫子掉落的碎片。7月16日凌晨2点左右,工作人员开始在桥的南部切开,从中央开始驶出。到那天中旬,巨大的ho头公羊开始慢慢从桥下的南部慢慢驶走。

六月Kiewit的社区关系经理Dan Kulka说:“头公羊必须将混凝土碎片缩小到可以轻松从拆除站点中删除的尺寸。”“我们将回收混凝土和钢筋,这些混凝土和钢筋将存储在散布在整个项目区域的院子中。”

但是,尽管有所有超出预期的期望,但Sepulveda Pass改进项目是什么要求运输官员首先完全关闭可怕的405?根据大都会运输管理局发言人戴夫·索特罗(Dave Sotero)等人的说法,答案属于半个多世纪前做出的简单工程决定。