
FMG Architects渲染
BART's Berryessa station in San Jose
VBN Architects渲染


米尔皮塔斯(Milpitas)巴特硅谷项目的发言人伯尼斯·阿兰尼兹(Bernice Alaniz)表示,建设计划于今年春季开始。

VTA董事会上个月向Skanska-Shimmick-Herzog合资企业授予了首个主要设计建设合同。第一份合同包括完成10-MI Berryessa扩展的线路,轨道,系统和电台的设计和构建,这是16英里,40亿美元的BART扩展项目的第一阶段。

路线沿线的巴特站的设计师是VBN建筑师,奥克兰(Milpitas)和FMG Architects,Oakland和San Francisco(Berryessa)。


VTA榉的自由贸易协定提交拨款申请ne 2011. In mid-December, following review of VTA’s grant request, the FTA presented an FFGA packet to the Federal Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the Secretary of Transportation. Both of these federal offices approved the grant packet, according to the VTA. Following this approval, the grant packet – complete with project scope, schedule and cost summary – was submitted to Congress Jan. 9 with a recommendation for the grant award, and to begin the mandatory 60-day congressional notification period. During this period, House and Senate committees may seek additional project information prior to execution of the grant award.
