工程师构造经理MWH Global的建模软件衍生产品显然很喜欢其客户,并且从其网站上展示的一系列推荐书中,他们似乎很喜欢Innovyze。该公司已将有利可图的利基市场作为建模,模拟和操作分析软件的领先开发人员(水基础设施”(水和废水处理厂和系统)的领先地位,这吸引了公用事业高管,甚至可能与可能与Innovyze在Innovyze在Innovyze的父母竞争的工程顾问其他竞技场。

Innovyze吹捧其高科技实力和特定于行业的专业知识的融合,为客户提供了更强大的包装。“我们的软件提供了一个全面的解决方案,因为它允许业主了解他们面临的相关问题和风险,”保罗·F·布洛斯(Paul F. Boulos)说,他现在是Innovyze总裁兼首席运营官。“ IBM不能那样做。”他说,重复业务账户的三分之二的收入是收入的三分之二,2010年收到的所有软件订单中有25%是通过推荐。Boulos说,Innovyze每年收到1,200“谢谢”电子邮件。尽管该公司没有发布数字,但他吹捧了三年的年增长率为57%,营业收入为30%,员工增加了“五十倍”。该公司有104名员工。

客户范围从马来西亚的美国小型市政系统和环境基础设施经理到多站点设施经理和工程师,例如CH2M Hill,HDR和Black&Veatch。总部位于芝加哥的维奥利亚水域北美管理着大约650个社区的供水,在美国和加拿大拥有约100个工业地点,去年通过使用该公司的Infonet软件进行资产管理,增强了与Innovyze的三年关系。它跟踪和分析水分配和废水 - 阳性水收集中的数据。



11月22日,Innovyze宣布,佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的Power-Water公用事业JEA将使用其Infoworks WS申请来管理市政当局的再生水配送系统,该系统每天提供1300万加仑的可回收水,以供无餐水。采用。该实用程序已经使用了其他两个应用程序,即Infoworks CS和Inmantet来建模和管理其收集系统。Innovyze Arsenal iWlive中的另一个应用程序提供了控制室的预测水平,以根据Boulos所说的是SCADA,天气和液压建模数据的第一个实时集成,以表现出水系统的压力和流动方式。

Innovyze's roots actually date back to 1996, when it was founded as MWH Soft, says Boulos. "Engineering consultants and water/wastewater utilities were underserved by a number of entrenched software giants who were unable to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation in our field," he says. In 2009, the firm adopted the Innovyze name—a coinage that reflects the firm's core functions of being able to "innovate" and "analyze," Boulos says—after it acquired another sector giant, Wallingford Software.

MWH说:“我们意识到,一家收缩包装的软件公司与我们的A/E/C公司是一种完全不同的内部文化,为了使其成功,该软件必须无处不在。它永远不会给MWH带来竞争优势。”主席罗伯特·乌勒(Robert B.“对于我们的工程公司来说,它必须放手,这是有争议的。”布洛斯补充说:“我们将知识产权获利,每个人都可以使用。”

Uhler says that "one major complexity" was resolving compensation differences between software employees and engineering staff. "We had to figure a way to fence-ring the compensation components without creating jealousies," he says. "It is the vital thing that most A/E/C consultants struggle with to grow out of consulting. Retention of talent is dependent on finding solutions here without blowing up the firm into inter-unit rivalries."


"It's a huge business app," says Uhler, who is an Innovyze board member. "Unlike engineering, software and intellectual property is a speed-of-light changing business," says the executive. "The future IT world promises easier code writing, distribution, storage, real-time control and global access. We cannot totally plan our destiny, we just have to be cat-like quick to change and morph. Agility may be the most important trait to assure sustainability in software."