
十大公司中有9家受益于2013年的收入上升,而前20名中的13家经历了两位数的增长。两家总部位于Jose的公司的加利福尼亚州干墙和ISEC Inc.在弗里蒙特(Fremont)报道了去年的收入增长超过50%。

“市场在一夜之间改变,”吉姆说Watson, president and chief operating officer of The Raymond Group, Orange, which tallied a revenue increase of more than 36% in 2013. "Building owners and our general contractor clients suddenly started firming up deals and signing contracts. We went from wringing our hands wondering what we were going to do to unprecedented backlogs in just a few months."

大多数公司预见到明年持续增长。Bomel Construction Co. Anaheim Hills执行副总裁James C. Ure说:“最明显的是,我18luck官网们预测私人资助的项目会增加。”但是,他预计公共项目会减少。18luck官网

Finding highly skilled workers is a challenge for subcontractors, especially in light of ever-more-complex work. "The level of sophistication required of today's electrical foreman or engineer is extremely high," says John Boncher, president and CEO of San Jose-based Cupertino Electric. "Companies that can recognize, adapt and evolve to take advantage of the fast pace at which things are constantly changing are those who will come out on top."