As the economy continues to strengthen, the private sector markets—particularly residential and commercial—are beginning to drive the region's construction activity. But executives say they are not yet ready to celebrate because owners remain jittery over the slow pace of the recovery, and it will take awhile before gains in any market offset losses from the recession.

照片由John Baer / Building Images,礼貌的结构音
Photo Courtesy of The Newark Energy Center
Keeping The Lights On: Skanska's $2-million Newark Energy Center was its largest project to break ground last year.

“在特纳建设有限公司执行副总裁Pat A. Di Filippo(顶级承包商名单上的第1号)说:”在市场正在响应方面存在过多的或过度自信,持谨慎态度。“在经济衰退之前,“几乎觉得好像没有结束了美好时光,但这不是正常的。我们现在所面临的是常态,并且多年来将保持稳定,”Di Filippo说。

Many of the builders that responded to this year's survey reflect the challenges of this new normal. While the ranking shows some firms with stellar regional revenue increases, revenue at many other firms held steady, increased only slightly or decreased.

Many of those with big increases are ranked in the top 10 on the list. These include Lend Lease (No. 4), which generated more than $1 billion in regional revenue, a whopping 45% increase over 2011. The firm was brought on board as CM on a project restart—56 Leonard, a Manhattan residential tower.

While tower construction was hit hard during the recession, resulting in many stalled projects in New York City, it is now on the upswing, executives say (ENR New York 3/11 p. 13).

其他十大收入涨幅的公司包括吉尔班大厦有限公司(6号),收益为38%,猎人罗伯茨建设(9号),增长28%。与此同时,今年排名有几个新人,包括M + W U.S. Inc.(第7号),Watervliet,N.Y.,这是在马耳他的4.6亿美元Globalfoundries项目工作。

除了办公市场外,私营部门工作还在攀登多羊,酒店,体育/娱乐和制造业,高管表示。纽约大厦大会(NYBC)最近的分析表明,私营部门将推动纽约市建设支出的大部分预计6.2%,而2012年至2014年预计的24%跳跃。“向上我们预测的修订,从过去几个月编制的数据,特别是私营部门的数据非常令人鼓舞,“纽约总裁Richard Anderson说。他还将部分增加到超级风暴与Sandy Sandy Ward的工作。

Both the health care and renovation markets remain strong, says Bob Mullen, CEO of Structure Tone (No. 3). Health care is benefiting from an increased demand for outpatient facilities in preparation for changes arising from the Affordable Care Act, he says. For renovation, "developers are more likely to acquire existing buildings and do a complete renovation right down to the shell rather than buying or leasing a site and building a brand new building," he says. The idea, he adds, "is to turn Class B space into Class A space."


The public sector, especially transportation-related work, still made a strong showing in the ranking, although executives say activity here has already begun to decline. They say the exceptions are work related to airports; Sandy reconstruction (ENR New York 6/10 p. 14); and massive infrastructure projects in the region, including the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement work. Such projects are expected to start debuting in the ranking as early as next year.

“两年from now, some of the biggest jobs will be airports," says Mike McNally, CEO of Skanska USA (No. 2). He says the level of activity in this market by 2015 will likely be strong enough to replace the current level in higher education. Skanska's biggest project to break ground last year was the Newark Energy Center.


请注意:这个故事已被纠正以修复错误:56 Leonard Street是一座住宅塔,而不是最初说的办公大楼。