Mastec Inc.高级技术集团总裁Zach McGuire说,白天电视在经济衰退期间吸引了一些观众,这对某些专业承包公司来说并不是一件坏事。观看电视的人数增加了对更多频道,更多节目以及诸如McGuire's等公司具有专业知识的公司卫星电视安装和服务升级方面的更多工作的需求。

"We're not recession proof," McGuire says. He adds, however, that his firm's ability to provide satellite TV expertise for both commercial and residential building clients has allowed it to grow when many of its rivals have shrunk or gone out of business. In fact, he says, this specialization is largely responsible for the Coral Gables, Fla.-based firm's whopping 245% increase in revenue for the tristate region last year.

MASTEC(今年上市中排名第四)在2011年将其足迹扩展到纽约,新英格兰和宾夕法尼亚州,并收购了纽约州奥利恩的Halstead Communications,纽约州的Olean,n.y,安装到家庭承包商,其主要客户是卫星电视公司DirectTV。尽管当时经济环境充满挑战,但该交易增强了MASTEC与DirectTV的现有关系,并帮助其与公司获得了独家合同。

While some specialty contractors are still reeling from the industry's ups and downs during and after the recession, others are finding niches or markets that allow them to capitalize on advanced technologies that are gaining traction. These include technologies in the power sector such as smart grids, microgrids and alternative energy, subcontractors say.


Emcor Group Inc.总裁兼首席执行官Tony Guzzi说:“建筑是一个笨拙的市场。”他说:“不是一个行业可以促进线性增长;它可能会更具偶发性。有时您没有找到工作,有时您会做。多元化的承包商知道这是其工作原理。”



例如,最近在新泽西州和康涅狄格州强调了对先进技术的重视,并单独公告,这些公告将通过安装电气微电网来使基础设施更加强化基础设施,例如桑迪(Sandy),以防止基础设施来解决恶劣的天气事件。主要研究彼得·阿斯穆斯(Peter Asmus)说,这些小型能源中心使用电源混合,通常包括替代能源系统,是“智能”系统,通常连接到该地区的主要实用程序,但也可以在“岛模式”中独立运行。芝加哥市场研究公司Navigant Consulting的分析师。他说,对微电网的需求在世界范围内增长,尤其是在美国。

8月下旬,新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)宣布签署与美国能源部,NJ Transit和N.J.公共事业委员会的谅解备忘录即使主要实用程序的功率失效,也提供给新泽西州过境的电力。7月,康涅狄格州成为第一个启动全州微电网试点计划的州,该计划将使电力转向关键的政府服务和企业。

The trend is not lost on industry. O'Connell Electric (ranked No. 6) recently invested "millions of dollars" in bucket trucks, cranes and other equipment for smart grid technology, another growth market, says Vic Salerno, the firm's CEO. For O'Connell, business has been strong and steady in recent years, although the firm's 2012 revenue dipped 0.6% to $118 million, Salerno says. He says the firm remained active in the medical and education sectors during the recession but that utility work was and is "our sweet spot."

奥康奈尔(O'Connell)最近的项18luck官网目包括纽约州锡拉丘兹市中心的12 kV分销变电站,用于智能电网。最近完成的工作包括新的上年级钢,公共汽车工作,高压开关齿轮和仪表变压器测试。Salerno说,该变电站于去年5月破土动工,并在两个月后完成,将为配电循环提供冗余,并增加了急需的反应堆和帽库以及移动站的连接点。

McGuire also sees company growth potential with smart grid technology, especially in the next few years if utilities swap out their old electricity meters and replace them with new, interactive ones. "This will provide a need for companies like MasTec to install them," he says. He adds, however, that utilities will do this at their own pace, depending on the current age of meters. "It's not going to be an overnight boom."

萨尔诺说,在奥康奈尔,预计年底将在北部地区开设一家奥尔巴尼办事处的开业。该公司已经在那里工作,并计划结束纽约州奥根维尔市的1000万美元Stony Creek风电场项目。该项目包括230 kV的互连切换区;风电场变电站;以及公用纤维线29英里的路由。




Several firms received major work from the transportation sector, including Northeast Remsco Construction Inc.'s (ranked No. 7) $100-million New Jersey Turnpike widening project and Greenstar Services Corp.'s 71st St. and Continental Avenue signal system project in Queens.

Greenstar的一个重大项目(排名1)l18luck官网ast year involved the World Trade Center redevelopment site in Manhattan. Greenstar's Five Star Electric Corp. designed and installed the electrical system for the 408-ft spire on 1 WTC. This included the beacon lighting system at the top of the spire, FAA lighting, the broadcast systems and the framework for transmission lines, says Anthony Giannico, Five Star senior project manager.

O'Connell的Salerno说,纽约地区的其他分包商工作包括模块化建筑,该建筑正在其四个办公室中的三个办公室中建立预制店。Golisano高级项目经理Brian Rittenhouse说,其目前的预制工作包括罗切斯特大学的Golisano儿童医院,在该医院中,预制器被用于插座和开关以及上限上的管道架,用于常规电源,紧急电源和分支机构照明。

Rittenhouse说,将使用O'Connell的Auto CAD MEP软件得出的测量结果将导管组装在一起。他说,除了在公司的预制店做的工作外,病房的头壁“从金属螺柱到每个系统机械和电气”也将在机械承包商的商店中进行。然后,墙壁将被运到现场并安装。
