In 1962, New York officials set up the State University Construction Fund to expedite creation of the State University of New York (SUNY) campus system, double enrollment and give schools a unified appearance based on design guidelines created through coordinated master plans.

现在,50多年后,该基金一直保持着关键的作用,推动了新的SUNY扩张,该扩张正在帮助该州的所有地区从经济衰退中恢复过来。该基金的建筑总监威廉·霍尔德(William Held)说:“当经济落后时,该基金可能是提高它的绝佳引擎。”

Before his 2008 resignation, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, working with the state Legislature, created a 2008-2013 capital program for the Fund, which infused nearly $4.9 billion into the state economy, according to the Fund's website.

实际上,该基金现在正在结束该计划的剩余项目:SUNY Stony Brook的3,800万计算机科学大18luck官网楼以及康奈尔大学农业与生命科学学院的6300万美元库存厅康复。霍尔德说:“当市场非常平坦时,这项为期五年的计划打击了。”“没有竞标工作的承包商改变了工作;这是一个非常激进的竞标过程,因为公司想保留其核心员工。这使承包商能够保留最好的人并将更多的钱投入社区。”


According to Held, the program captures information on a building—top to bottom, inside and out. This shows its condition and determines if needs can be resolved by critical maintenance work, such as replacing roofs and HVAC systems, or if a new "strategic initiative" is involved—typically requiring the construction of a new building. Examples include the $105-million SUNY Albany Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurship complex, set to go out for bid in December, and the $45-million School of Pharmacy at the University of Binghamton, expected to be bid next spring.

The Fund's contribution to the economy of New York and to the state and regional construction industry as well as its emphasis on project safety and on providing opportunity to small, minority and women-owned businesses have led ENR's regional editors to select it as ENR New York's 2015 Owner of the Year.


"For the past three years, the Fund has been topping out at approximately $750 million per year in projects. We've quadrupled in size over a short period of time," Held says. "We've put one new building or renovated a building on every campus in the program."

该基金涵盖了32个校园的工作,目前有75多个项目总计12亿美元。18luck官网其中包括2.93亿美元的Stony Brook University医院医学和研究翻译(MART)大楼,该大楼在今年的首发榜单上排名第13位。由纽约州普莱恩维尤(Plainview)的总承包商E.W. Howell Co.领导的2020 Stony Brook项目包括建造245,000平方英尺的Mart建筑物和225,000平方英尺的医院馆。Mart将容纳成像,神经科学,癌症研究和护理,并成为大学癌症中心的新家。它还将包括25个面向癌症生物学的实验室和300个座位的礼堂。10层的凉亭将有150张住院床和两层楼的儿童医院。该项目将于2014年3月破土动工,将于2016年秋季完成。

公司总裁霍华德·罗兰(Howard Rowland)表示,该基金是E.W. Howell最有价值的客户之一。他说:“作为公共所有者,其专业方法和响应能力以及对建筑过程中许多问题的公平解决方案在整个建筑行业中得到了良好的尊重。”

The Fund's other major project, 2020 Buffalo, is a $275-million building for the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (No. 16 on the Top Starts list). The project is part of the Cuomo administration's NYSUNY 2020 program that is aimed at jump-starting the city's building boom. "Downtown Buffalo is changing dramatically," Held says." "[This project] is absolutely contributing to that and we're excited to be a part of it."

Led by Gilbane Building Co. and The LiRO Group, which are providing agency construction management services, the project includes a seven-story facility that will support 2,000 students, faculty and clinicians as well as provide patient space. It is being built over the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority's Allen/Medical campus rail station. The project is targeting LEED Gold certification and is scheduled to open for the fall 2017 semester. "We're currently working toward a mid-May 2017 beneficial occupancy," Held says.

"This is a high-priority project for Gov. Cuomo and the Fund," says Gilbane project executive Jay Johnson. "The Fund put together an experienced and dedicated team, and all communication and interfaces with [members] have been excellent to date."


同样满足高优先级安全标准Fund projects, general contractor LP Ciminelli hosts regularly scheduled toolbox meetings and uses the Internet program DB02 to share safety inspection results immediately. The Fund's regional safety director also meets with the firm's safety staff once a month and an owner rep participates in weekly site walk-throughs.


Partnering Up

该基金有与项目团队合作的历史。到目前为止去年在SUNY POTSDAM表演艺术中心。

"Gilbane has provided construction management services to the Fund for over 12 years on 12 different campuses. Through this experience, we have established a strong working relationship; they value us as a partner in the process and are fair to all parties involved," says John LaRow, the firm's upstate New York vice president. "Our professional opinion is sought after and our ideas are implemented at the project level and across the portfolio of work. The Fund has a deep, well-run professional organization."

Steven Goldberg, partner at architecture firm Mitchell/Giurgola, New York City, credits the Fund with jump-starting his practice in 1969 with work on the student union at SUNY Plattsburgh. He points to former Fund CEO Anthony G. Adinolfi, who "had a vision of bringing younger firms in to help with master plans." The architect has since worked on six other Fund projects, now completing work on the Stocking Hall rehabilitation at Stony Brook and beginning design on the $27-million renovation of the 74,000-sq-ft Houghton Hall at SUNY Fredonia. "Our experience with the Fund has been really great," Goldberg says. "We're very fortunate to have them as a client."

Future Plans

The Fund, which receives its capital from bonded state money, has been receiving funding through one-year plans, such as the NYSUNY 2020 program, which includes projects on SUNY's four university centers—Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo and Stony Brook—as opposed to five-year plans.

“当政府改变,州长科莫是looking to get state spending under tighter control," Held says. But Fund officials would like to get back to five-year plans that "make it easier to work with campuses and offer more flexibility," he adds. "With one-year plans, the Fund has to refocus and really closely evaluate the needs of the college as well as pay attention to the economy, because you don't know if the money will still be there the following year."

Officials now are awaiting administration approval of the Fund's recently submitted capital spending plan for 2015-2020 to convince legislators to return to the five-year approach. Whatever spending program is approved, however, the Fund will generate a steady stream of work. "We still have a substantial amount of projects to get through," Held says. "At the end of the day, [the projects] all will wind up being a success because we get it done."