Now that proposed Superstorm Sandy-triggered changes to New York City zoning are out for public review, building owners, designers and contractors are eagerly awaiting the second piece of the post-Sandy regulation puzzle: proposed modifications to the city's building code. The adjustments to the two sets of regulations should go a long way toward aiding the design and construction of buildings that are safer and more resilient when exposed to floods and other major climate-related events, says Robert D. LiMandri, New York City's commissioner of buildings.

图纸由纽约Cit的部门y Planning
Possible Modification: Proposed rules would allow flood-zone buildings to comply with building codes and other standards.



DCP可持续发展总监霍华德·斯拉特金(Howard Slatkin)说,分区变化本身并没有引起争议。他说:“他们正试图支持试图筹集建筑物的人。”


斯拉特金说:“ FEMA谈论将房屋抬高到基础上。”“在纽约市,有各种各样的条件 - 包括一楼的居民,包括公寓楼 - 不适合简单地修复。”

FEMA standards are based on FEMA flood-insurance rate maps. Advisory maps issued after Sandy, which are very conservative, expanded the most critical flood zone, says LiMandri. Preliminary maps coming out soon will be less conservative, he says.

Affected owners with buildings now in the expanded zone are waiting for the maps to learn whether they will still be inside the critical zone. If so, they too would have to elevate buildings to qualify for National Flood Insurance. The cost can run from 50% to 100% of a building's value, according to estimates.

Review Period

The City Planning Commission, which released the proposed zoning text amendment on May 20, has referred the amendment to 41 community boards—all of which contain flood zones—and all five borough presidents and borough planning boards for a 60-day review period, which will include public hearings.

Based on the groups' advisory recommendations, the commission will conduct its own review, hold a public hearing, potentially make modifications and vote on the proposals. After City Council hearings, the council votes on the amendment, as a resolution—likely this fall.


“即使在风暴来临前,我们关注to questions of climate resilience and flood risk in coastal areas," says DCP's Slatkin. "That gave us somewhat of a head start."

The DCP work was part of a study funded by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development that focused on analyzing the implications of increased standards of flood-resistant construction and the implications for urban design. A report is expected soon.

The Building Resiliency Task Force, convened by the Urban Green Council at the request of New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, says it will release its set of recommendations for changes to the city's building code this month. "There will be action plans and opportunities for change," says LiMandri, the buildings commissioner, who is a member of the task force's steering committee. "We are trying to be really clear and up front so people know how to make a good decision with the best available information."

The task force is considering both direct effects of extreme weather on buildings, such as flooding or wind damage, and secondary effects on buildings caused by infrastructure outages like loss of electricity and water. It will also make recommendations for more resilient infrastructure, LiMandri says.



LiMandri expects the first pieces of legislation proposing building-code changes to be presented to the City Council in the fall. The Dept. of Buildings, which enforces both building and zoning rules, has also been actively involved in the rezoning effort. "We've been working [with city planning] to make zoning and building codes dovetail nicely," LiMandri says.