进行大规模的尖顶到侧面行走,对曼哈顿最著名的地标教堂之一的内部恢复需要什么?分配给圣帕特里克大教堂(St. Patrick's Cathedral)为期三年,1.77亿美元的升级的机组人员发现,这归结为准备,协调和大量脚手架。


But perhaps the most considerable feat for crew members is working around the clock, with some minor exceptions, while masses are conducted and tourists stream in and out of the hushed and sacred spaces.

"If you come in once a week to light a candle for St. Jude or St. Anthony, you need to be able to get to it," says Eileen McCarthy, a senior project manager with construction manager Structure Tone, which oversees a project team that can swell to 120 at peak times and typically works six days a week.


The project, which launched in 2012, is in the second of three phases. Phase 1 focused on the exterior on the Fifth Avenue side, while Phase 2 is targeting the middle section, or the transept, between East 50th and East 51st streets. Phase 3 will restore the rear of the building along Madison Avenue and then take aim at the altar area. Work is concurrent on several aspects of the project, however, including upgrades to the heating/cooling and IT systems.

Construct Tone说,由于天气和湿度问题,第二阶段的运行略低于计划,预计将在2014年9月结束。但是整个项目仍预计将于2015年完成。

One of the most challenging aspects of the project has resulted in the most notable change: the cleaning and refurbishing of the white marble blocks that make up the facade of the 1879 buttress building, which was designed by James Renwick Jr., who also designed Grace Church in Manhattan.

To scrub away the pollution that has built up on the stone since its last major restoration in the 1940s, crews had to erect a lattice of scaffolds around the building's exterior. Starting from the busy sidewalks on Fifth Avenue, the scaffolding reaches to nearly the tip of the crosses on the building's dual spires, which top out at an elevation of 347 ft.

在11月下旬被剥离的过程中,外部脚手架需要七个月才能竖立。为了防止它成为最高的,无法在金属棒中立即插入平台,而是随着船员们迁移到地方而不断地散布,Robert Silman Associates的同事Derek Trelstad说。工程师。脚手架必须安全,吸引人和对大教堂的“温和”,因为它无法挖掘结构。它也不能太令人讨厌;下面的教区居民和游客的黑网盾内部脚手架。

为了清洁大理石,工人避免了刺耳的化学品,而是使用了更细腻的低压旋转涡流技术,将空气,水和粉末混合在一起。设计师Murphy Burnham和Buttrick Architects的合伙人Jeffrey Murphy说,除了将石头从灰色的色调转变为看起来像闪闪发光的粉笔外,这项技术还帮助揭示了芯片的掉落以及大理石破裂的地方。

"The cleaning was really a preservation measure," Murphy says. "The added benefit was a lighter and brighter building."

但是,麦卡锡说,找到石头来填补这些空白,颜色与那里的颜色非常匹配,这很棘手。几十年前,纽约市大理石大学和Met Life Tower都使用了大教堂的大部分大教堂的塔卡霍大理石(Tuckahoe Marble),该采石场构成了大教堂的大部分。

该项目的保护主义者建筑保护伙伴设法追踪了60吨原始的石头,但是,在威彻斯特公墓聚集灰尘的不同尺寸。纽约州弗农山的Petrillo Stone Corp.将其大致切成形状,同时在现场进行微调。


Silman had to coordinate detailed tests on the trusses, including making sure that they did not have too many knots, which can indicate weakness, Trelstad says. The beams turned out to be solid, he adds.

Similar detective work took place to determine where to place scaffolds. Each leg can support 8,000 lb, compressed into a tiny column, like a high-heel shoe on a carpet. Silman had to make sure the sidewalks and floors could withstand that tremendous pressure, though in the case of the floor, it can be hard to tell where the strongest parts are.

这是因为地板是混凝土板上面with marble and terrazzo, which is thick and layered and, as a result, hard to examine. Similarly, the area underneath can basically only be accessed through heating ducts, Trelstad says. "We had to scramble a little bit," he adds. This included using radar and metal detectors to figure out where the fortified rebar-lined sections were.


工作必须done without major interruption to church life, which for St. Patrick's includes 2,400 masses, 150 weddings and about 5 million visitors a year. Aside from Sundays, when crews are off, no work can occur from 7 to 7:30 a.m. daily to allow Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan and other priests to televise a mass without the sound of hammering in the background. Work must also stop from noon to 12:30 p.m. for services taking place on the high altar.


截至11月,大教堂中的三分之一的长椅(必须填充五个53英尺长的拖拉机拖车)被拆除并用临时可堆叠的黑色塑料椅子取代。凯克集团(Keck Group)在纽约州米德尔敦(Middletown)恢复了长椅。剩余的长椅计划从2014年初开始进行类似的过程。




Only a handful of items were left untouched. The verdigris roof, including one atop the Lady Chapel on the Madison Avenue side, as well as coping and gutters across the complex won't be restored to their original copper color but will be left in a weathered state. There will be only minor work done to the chapel itself.

Step Training


Other training included optional lessons in somewhat arcane architectural terms. Some team members took it upon themselves to learn the difference between a narthex (the vestibule inside the front entry) and a cathedra (the archbishop's throne). They say this has helped them communicate effectively with church officials, architects and conservators.

“从看台上的座位上,这是我所做的最复杂的工作之一,”带有结构音调的高级项目经理罗恩·佩内拉(Ron Pennella)在最近的一次巡回演出中,当时他沿着南塔式螺旋式楼梯来界定。Pennella还曾在西29街的大理石大学进行修复;自由街的纽约联邦储备银行;甚至是零地面,作为欺诈调查团队的一部分。


Pennella说,尽管缺乏蓝图可能会引发承包商的一些曲线,但它也允许发现刺激。圣帕特里克(St. Patrick's)始于1859年,但在内战期间停滞不前,就像是一种最纯净的建筑技术,从手工切割大理石到机器切开的桁架。相比之下,年长的大理石大学教堂的桁架是手工切割的,”他说,可以说很多东西,因为它们的边缘稍粗糙。”他补充说,发现此类细节激发了“几年前完成的做工”。