A few months after the ribbon was cut on two new schools in Newark, an ambitious multi-block redevelopment project has broken ground with three new apartment buildings intended to house the schools' teachers as well as other city educators.

Rendering by TEKTEN, Courtesy of RBH Group
Photo by Matthew Hochberger, Courtesy of Arup



总部位于纽瓦克开发人员RBH Group的执行成员罗恩·比特(Ron Beit)表示:“从多个方面,这是成功的”,因为它正在为有需要的社区提供住房,学校和一些基础设施。在410,000平方英尺的项目中,约有20%专门用于负担得起的住房。总而言之,2015年将有213套公寓。

9月,该地点开设了两座建筑物的三所学校。其中两所学校位于哈尔西街230号的ironspot砖和白色钢建筑中,著名建筑师理查德·梅尔(Richard Meier)是纽瓦克本地人,她设计了教师村六座窗户的四座建筑中的四座。另一个是在24 Maiden Lane的一个街区,是由新泽西州普林斯顿市的KSS建筑师设计的,该建筑师还为两所学校设计了内饰。

菲尔普斯建筑集团总裁道格·菲尔普斯(Doug Phelps)说,确保两座建筑物都准备好在学年开始开放是一个挑战,这两种结构总承包商是新泽西州Boonton,N.J。Boonton。菲尔普斯说:“这不像办公楼。”他补充说:“你不能迟到。

The projects, which broke ground in the first half of 2012, had to contend with Superstorm Sandy. While the storm didn't swamp this part of Newark, which sits a few blocks from the Prudential Center arena, it did interrupt the project by pulling away utility workers who were tying the buildings into existing lines. They had to lay down their tools for a few months on this project to assist in the rebuilding effort in damaged parts of the state, Phelps says.



If trucks arrived in the afternoon, they could stop for only 10 minutes and required a police officer to temporarily halt traffic, a rule that also applies to Hollister Construction Services, the Parsippany, N.J., general contractor on all three of the mixed-use residential-and-retail buildings now under construction.


随着学校的全面摆动,现在注意力集中在教师和相关专业人士的住房中,目的是建立一个紧密的,安全和专业的社区。贝特说,在正在进行的三个混合用途结构中,六层楼的35个处女巷大楼是第一座建筑,下个月的建成。这个21个单元的结构将配备木地板,瓷砖浴和石英柜台 - 所有公寓中都使用的精美。

接下来的大门将是42 William Street,拥有40个单位,将于今年夏天完成。贝特说,这座60个单位的245 HALSEY大楼将于10月开放。

The last building, 17 William Street, was still out to bid at press time, with a team set to be assembled by February. Current plans call for this project to include 90 units in a four-story structure. Originally, plans called for converting the existing nine-story cast-in-place concrete Calumet Building, a historic structure, into residential space. But workers discovered that water had weakened the building too severely over the three decades that it stood empty, project officials say, and so it will be torn down.

“这些不是复杂的建筑物。这些建筑物是为了使负担得起,合理的结构在一起。” Arup的负责人Leo Argiris说,这是迄今为止五个结构的电气,机械和结构工程师。

Still, the apartments are a cut above some of what Arup has built in the past, he says. For instance, instead of the through-the-wall packaged terminal air-conditioning units, or PTACs, typically found in lower-cost housing, RBH opted for a fan-coiled, heating-and-cooling system hidden away in closets.



该项目拥有多达1.45亿美元的补贴,建筑债券和税收抵免,因此由绝大多数公开融资。包括Berggruen Holdings,CI Capital Partners和Steel Partners在内的开发团队将捐款1400万美元。高盛城市投资集团提供债务融资,并将购买税收抵免。


The two are 280 Halsey, whose site was ultimately considered too small for an apartment building, and 268 Halsey, which was not seen as necessary because its units were absorbed by 17 William. The 17 William structure will now be larger than planned because developers recently bought an adjacent lot.

拜特,他的公司拥有79属性downtown Newark, including Teachers Village, says RBH still plans to build the last pair, although for now he is satisfied that many moving parts have come together so cohesively. "This is a scattered site development, which has its challenges," he says. "But those teams working together with the city of Newark has proved to be a great partnership."