Landscaped trenches that keep rain from overpowering rivers. Underwater beds of eelgrass to reduce erosion. Waterside sitting areas that would give a front-row seat to the rise in sea levels. These are some of the inventive ways New York City and nearby coastlines might be better protected against severe storms like Sandy as a result of the six winning proposals of the federal government's Rebuild by Design competition. While each proposal tackles a different shoreline region, environmental sensitivity plays a big role in each.

景观建筑公司Olin的合伙人理查德·罗克(Richard Roark)说,该地区“是一个非常需要更新的特殊地理”。

The question, Roark adds, is "what kind of environment are we going to create for the next generation?" That question also drove designs for the proposals.

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsored the competition to protect cities most vulnerable to severe weather and announced the six winning proposals in June. With the intent of keeping the proposals from languishing on the drawing board, HUD pledged $920 million as seed funding for their implementation. The competition required a year of work for the project teams, which are packed with engineers, architects and ecologists.

Some of the projects may break ground as early as next year, while others may take decades to realize. All still have a long way to go before they are fully funded, although team members are optimistic. They say that, regardless of how much gets built and when, the competition was an illuminating exercise in collaboration.

史蒂文斯技术学院的海洋工程学教授艾伦·布鲁姆伯格(Alan Blumberg)说:“设计的天才是将所有这些人如此频繁地汇聚在一起交换想法。这些人以前从未真正交谈过。”在新泽西州霍博肯市,尽管他的团队的提议蓝沙丘呼吁建造一连串的保护岛,但并没有进行最终裁员,但他希望与另一支球队一起工作。

通过HUD的社区发展块拨款(CDBG)支付了479亿美元的Sandy Relief套餐,设计按设计进行了重建,并于2013年6月宣布,最初吸引了来自15个国家的140支团队。比赛要求申请人为从小型海滩城镇到高​​密度城市中心的地区提供解决方案。

The jury included Ole Bouman, director of the Netherlands Architecture Institute; Jeanne Gang, founder of Studio Gang Architects; and Kate Ascher, a partner at BuroHappold Engineering. While at first the teams focused on several neighborhoods of their choosing, the jury at a later stage in the competition assigned each proposal team its own specific project. Over the course of the contest, teams could also receive up to $200,000 to support field research.

Big Wins

联邦项目奖的数量与迄今为止最大的3.35亿美元的数量不同,该计划涉及一项名为“ Big U.”的计划。一支由Bjarke Ingels集团在内的团队,该公司是一家名为Big的建筑公司,以及Burohappold Engineering和Arcadis,这项耗资4.18亿美元的提案针对曼哈顿南部的低洼南部边缘。Big U要求建造一条10英里的U形丝带,包括保护性护堤和翻转洪水屏障。它包括一个用于查看海平面上升的区域,该区域被称为“反向水族馆”,位于目前停车场的炮台公园。

One of the berms would anchor the first phase of the project. It would be located at a 1.5-mile section between the FDR Drive and the East River Park that could block storm surges while providing elevated recreational space landscaped with salt-tolerant plants.

大型设计师兼该项目的负责人杰里米·西格尔(Jeremy Siegel)说,开创性可能会发生。他补充说,由于城市的公园部门控制着滨水区的那部分,因此建设很快就会开始的可能性很大。Siegel说,预计该市还有助于筹集资金,以弥补Big U预算的8300万美元余额。


Indeed, 20% of New York City public housing is in a flood plain. "You have to make sure any investment you make is serving as many purposes as possible," Siegel says.

A team called Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge won HUD's second-largest financial commitment, a $230-million grant. The $410-million project is centered on New Jersey's waterfront around Hoboken. Because the region is prone to severe flooding, the project will add a system of pumps to collect water that would otherwise overwhelm sewers and pipe it away from streets.

洪水风险的工程师马丁·希伦(Marten Hillen)说,改进的排水系统将在地面不渗透94%的地方走很长一段路。全球设计公司。

Although the plan is not likely to be fully completed until about 2040, its first phase—which will include building a park at Weehawken Cove with wetlands to resist storm surges—could start within a few years and have a five-year time line, Hillen says.


The project, headed by the Center for Advanced Urbanism, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology think tank, aims to restore some of the wetlands, turning them into what the team calls Meadowpark and Meadowband. The park would feature a public wildlife refuge surrounded by a berm to keep floods at bay. Atop the berm, Meadowband would be a high-density street with apartments and hotels offering access points to Meadowpark. The first phase of the project would be built in communities on the northern edge of the Meadowlands—including Little Ferry, Moonachie and Teterboro.

A team featuring architecture firm Interboro Partners and engineering firm Apex Cos. heads up Living With the Bay. The plan tackles the frequently waterlogged southern shore of Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Its $125-million grant will be spent on improving the corridor around the Mill River, one of Long Island's most-polluted waterways, in a phase the team refers to as "slow streams."

That phase includes a sluice gate, which could be closed in case of storms, keeping out storm surges. Excess asphalt on streets near the river would also be removed and replaced with landscaped trenches, or bioswales, to help filter polluted storm runoff and improve the overall health of the shoreline.

The total cost of this first phase will likely be $177 million, says Jay Borkland, Apex's director of national waterways. The project's overall cost is expected to be more than $900 million. Groundbreaking on the Slow Streams phase could happen next year, with completion by 2017, he adds.

"Some people who live in the Sandy-affected regions would say it's not fast enough," Borkland says, "but [for] the scale and interrelatedness this requires, you can't go too quickly."

Staten Island, where 24 people died during Sandy, is the focus of Living Breakwaters. A team that includes Scape/Landscape Architecture and Parsons Brinckerhoff will use its $60-million grant to construct a string of concrete breakwaters off the coast of Tottenville, a hard-hit neighborhood. The total cost of the three-phase project is roughly $180 million.

The breakwaters will buffer the coast against destructive waves, create habitats for fish and oysters and create "calm" areas for kayaking, according to the plan.

With $20 million in federal funding, the Hunts Point Lifelines project will focus on one square mile in an industrial neighborhood in the South Bronx that also is home to a low-income population. The $800-million project will protect existing wholesale food markets that are vulnerable to storms because they are on low-lying land. The stores account for 60% of the produce, 50% of the meat and 30% of the fish eaten by New Yorkers, says Roark of Olin, which helmed the plan along with the University of Pennsylvania's PennDesign school.

In the initial project phase, Roark's team will plant shoreline-strengthening native species such as eelgrass along a waterfront section. Down the road, levees would be installed, which will be made of locally manufactured concrete panels to create much-needed jobs. "Our supposition is that there is a way to integrate neighborhoods and working industry," he says.