NYU Langone Sandy Restoration, New York City

Photo Courtesy of E-J Electric Installation Co.

After Superstorm Sandy caused the high-rise hospital to shut down, the general contractor and electrical subcontractor—which had been working on the NYU Energy Building prior to the storm—began a rigorous effort to repower various systems in each building on the campus in less than 45 days.

The team was required to provide generators, temporary lights, temporary power, feeder cables and power distribution centers. Temporary light and power were also deployed on the ground floor of the campus as water was being pumped out of the cellars.

Given the tight deadline, electrical equipment was manufactured in less than 10 days with express trucking logistics set for next-day deliveries. The manufacturing effort for supplies including switchgear, distribution switchboards, panel boards and transformers was coordinated at three plants on the East Coast.

的electrical contractor's tasks included removing existing electrical service switchboards, motor control centers, conduits and feeder wire that were engulfed in water as well as rebuilding the new infrastructure.

Working on a high-rise hospital without power posed big challenges, including the vertical transportation of workers, materials and tools. Other difficulties on the design-assist project included a 24/7 work day schedule and installing the electrical feeder infrastructure in the existing building.

的electrical contractor and designer worked together daily on the design-assist contract to redesign the feeder reaches to repower the hospital.

The project was delivered under budget and on schedule.

Judges commended the post-Sandy teamwork that went into the project and noted the team's efforts to overcome the many challenges caused by the storm.

Key Players

老板NYU Langone Medical Center Facilities

General ContractorTurner Construction

Lead DesignerJaros, Baum & Bolles

Electric SubcontractorE-J Electric Installation Co.

Natural hazard mitigationLangan Services