而不是集中on merely surviving the Southeast's vicious downturn, Skanska USA's Southeast operation has used the slower times to improve its capabilities and people. It has been adopting new approaches to construction, accelerating field adoption of emerging technology and diversifying and deepening its talent pool. It is even expanding into new geographic markets.

It is a strategy borne of necessity that has turned into a survival tactic, says Scott MacLeod, co-chief operating officer for the Southeast in Skanska USA's Raleigh office. "We were concerned about the future and knew that cutting overhead and shrinking was not sustainable," he says.


For the results it has achieved so far, ENR Southeast recognizes Skanska USA as its Contractor of the Year.

Changing Fortunes

The most basic criteria for receiving recognition as Contractor of the Year is business success. On that score, Skanska USA earned high marks. The company's 2011 Southeast revenue total improved by 18%, or $109.8 million, compared with the same period a year ago, resulting in $711.8 million in revenue for 2011. The achievement was notable since Skanska was the second-highest ranked firm to record an increase, after the top-ranked KBR, which improved by 44%.

Skanska USA's Southeast operation ranked fifth on the latest Top Contractors list. Skanska USA's total revenue in the U.S. in 2011 was $5.3 billion. It ranked seventh on the ENR Top 400 Contractors list.


同样在2011年,Skanska USA开始在希尔斯伯勒一家1.41亿美元的北卡罗来纳大学医院工作。最近,与阿贾克斯(Ajax)铺路行业的合资企业,民事部门获得了2.154亿美元的运输合同,以重建希尔斯伯勒县275号州际公路的一部分。

“幸运的是,对我们来说,承担了全部经济衰退的部门是零售,公司/商业和高层住宅,” Skanska美国亚特兰大办事处佐治亚州总经理约翰·雷汉(John Reyhan)说。他补充说:“当时我们在任何这些市场中都没有重大地位。”

The company had shifted its focus to health care and higher-education work. Reyhan credits Georgia's development of its technical college system and an overall increase in statewide enrollment for the relatively steady flow of contracts in recent years.

