东南architecture and engineering firms are seeing increased project activity by owners as well as heightened expectations regarding collaborative design processes and enhanced sustainability goals.

Photo courtesy of Perkins+Will
为了表明绿色设计的发展,珀金斯+将在亚特兰大南部的查塔胡奇山(Chattahoochee Hills Charter School)推出了其Sprout Space模块化,可持续的教室设计。
Health care projects, such as the $51-million Alamance Regional Center Expansion project in Burlington, N.C., continue to move ahead, but with a changing focus.

“所有者绝对希望更快,更有效地提供更全面的解决方案,”亚特兰大珀金斯+威尔的校长和东南地区总监Willard Lariscy说。“他们还在寻找一个更高层次的分析过程,以数据驱动的研究为基础,以数据驱动的研究为基础提供了自信的长期投资的基础。”


"We see colleges and universities having higher expectations for sustainability," says Darren Conner, Southeast president for Dewberry. On the other hand, he adds, "In the private sector, [owners] will continue to look at the return on investment—it's got to be black before it's green. But a lot of private owners want to do what's right, and in the long run, sustainable and energy-efficient solutions [are] often chosen."



Increasing Workload

The Southeast's market for design services is definitely getting busier as it evolves. According to McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge, the Southeast's two largest metro areas, Atlanta and Miami, experienced overall gains in new construction contracts through the first quarter of 2013 of 90% and 17%, respectively, compared with 2012's early pace.

总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的总裁兼首席运营官约翰·科米辛(John Komisin)说:“ [我们]在所有东南州都很活跃,我们看到整个地区对设计服务的需求继续有所改善。”总体而言,他将数据中心和高等教育视为两种活跃的项目类型。
