Across the Southeast, specialty contractors are finding out that this construction recovery isn't arriving via a wave or even a slow upward curve. Instead, this post-recession rebound is coming together on a piece-by-piece basis, like a massive puzzle that's only now starting to reveal its overall picture.

Photo courtesy Gate Precast
Concrete Progress Gate Precast is providing a unique set of precast concrete panels to the Miami Science Museum project, which is being led by Skanska USA.
Up and Away? At Kennedy Space Center, Florida, NASA is renovating its Vehicle Assembly Building to accommodate the next generation of 'heavy-lift' rockets. Specialty firm KHS and S Contractors is performing interior framing and drywall work for general contractor Hensel Phelps Construction.

Different parts of the Southeast construction industry are seeing the pieces of recovery come together at a different rate. South Florida, with its multifamily boom still continuing, for instance, appears to be ahead of other areas, such as Atlanta, where the picture remains less clear.

“我们已经看到了一些稳定,但是在[专业承包商]看上去几个月时,下一份工作的问题是一个问题,”美国分包商协会乔治亚分会主任弗农·托马斯(Vernon Thomas)说,斯托克布里奇(Stockbridge),乔治亚分会,GA。

Even across Atlanta, it remains hit or miss, with some specialty firms starting to experience strong business growth while others continue to struggle.




An uptick is on its way, highlighted by an estimated $2 billion worth of construction ramping up around the football and baseball stadium projects for the Atlanta Falcons and the Braves.

有些人担心随着活动的升温,特别是专业公司可能会为其项目配备人员。18luck官网例如,在今年早些时候在亚特兰大举行的一项营销专业服务协会中,与DPR/Hardin的Russ Brockelbank指出,总承包商已经发现一些分包商根本没有足够的员工来竞标一些工作。


"Staffing our projects is not an issue," says Denise Santiago, vice president of business development with Boynton Beach, Fla.-based concrete firm Builders Plus.


有一件事没有改变受经济衰退的影响,但仍r, Santiago adds: "General contractors are getting quality specialty contractors at bargain prices."

Other Factors?
