
In a May 17 memo to the utility’s board of directors, Tampa Bay Water general counsel Barrie S. Buenaventura stated: “We believe Tampa Bay Water should be granted a new trial because the jury’s verdict is against the clear weight of evidence presented at trial and because the Court erroneously excluded evidence that the jury should have been allowed to consider.”

Richard Harrison, who served as Tampa Bay Water’s lead attorney at trial, filed the motion with the U.S. District Court in Tampa, where the case was originally heard. The motion maintains that there were “numerous errors in the exclusion and admission of evidence.” Some of the arguments for a new trial included in TBW’s motion include:

•詹姆斯·惠特莫尔(James Whittemore)法官不当排除了与HDR对路堤建设的检查有关的证据。坦帕湾水(Tampa Bay Water)指出,这一证据将使它能够反驳HDR的理论,即路堤建造得太厚。


•法官将2008年的备忘录排除在HDR主管中的一份2008年的备忘录中时,他对工程师设计的潜在业务影响表示担忧,因为该工程师的设计被认为是对水库裂缝的责备。(哈里森在对TBW总经理杰拉尔德·塞伯(Gerald Seeber)的询问期间在审判中对备忘录发表了讲话,并将其作为他结束论点的一部分提到。)



    Tampa Bay Water’s motion also asserts that Judge Whittemore’s denial of a request for a “jury view” of the reservoir resulted in an exclusion of evidence.


    On this matter, the utility’s motion states: “TBW appreciates that the jury view is a matter within the Court’s sound discretion. But if there were ever a case in which the refusal to permit a jury view were an abuse of that discretion, this is the case. No case more compellingly demonstrates that ‘If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the real thing is worth a thousand pictures.’”



    After a month-long trial in Tampa, a federal jury ruled on April 10 in favor of HDR, and found the engineer had no liability for damages related to the cracking at the reservoir. At trial, Tampa Bay Water had asked for $73.25 million in damages, dating back to 2005. HDR has estimated that with the accrual of interest, that figure would have ballooned to more than $140 million.

    According to Buenaventura’s memo to the TBW board, HDR’s response to the utility’s motion for a new trial is due to the court by June 4.