在建造克莱姆森大学在南卡罗来纳州北查尔斯顿的1.1亿美元的风能测试中心时,该项目所有者及其建筑商经常朝着“移动的目标”努力。项目所有者克莱姆森大学恢复研究所(Curi)的项目总监吉姆·图滕(Jim Tuten)表示,从2011年7月的建设开始到2014年的建设开始,首先的设施设计发生了几次变化。

Photo courtesy Choate Construction Co.
The 82,300-sq-ft facility in North Charleston, S.C., supports the testing of offshore wind turbines by simulating an estimating 20 years of field conditions in just a few months.
Photo courtesy Choate Construction Co.

早在2011年,“我们没有明确的规格,”曾担任项目经理的Tuten说。尽管定义较差的范围可能是一个项目杀手,但对于建立SCE&G Energy Innovation Center(现在称为)的团队来说,这种早期缺乏定义使他们对设计和建造设施的承诺达到了强大的承诺,该设施将尽可能地使用,以便尽可能地发挥作用它的最终用户。这是因为,实际上,克莱姆森及其建筑商正在塑造一种全新的设施,主要基于风盘制造商的一厢情愿,他们被要求设想理想的测试中心。


The inclusion of a 15-MW hardware-in-the-loop grid simulator, for instance, lets manufacturers evaluate their devices' impact on the grid. By recycling the electricity produced by the drivetrain testing—thus avoiding grid impacts—the center became the world's first facility capable of evaluating 60-Hz equipment, intended for North America, as well as 50-Hz units, designed for global markets.

尽管较早,不确定的范围,但施工时钟从一开始就在滴答作响。以截止日期为中心的刺激基金支持的4700万美元的能源赠款将项目所有者和总承包商Choate Construction Co.促进了铲子。


即使该地点位于库珀河旁边,通常是查尔斯顿(Mucky Charleston)土壤上的土壤,但建筑商认为39英尺高的结构可以容纳巨型机器。

But as the facility began moving toward reality, industry's needs—and DOE's suggestions—changed, growing to be "a lot more than anybody had anticipated," Tuten says. Since the test equipment ended up being significantly stouter than expected, one of the first major increases in scope resulted: a redesign of the foundation system.

The site's swampy soils provided a challenge as well. As Tuten told ENR Southeast at the time, "We had heavy loads on muck in a seismic area with flooding potential and high wind loads due to hurricanes on a brownfield site."

Accommodating these greater-than-expected loads and retrofitting the existing structure to current wind and seismic codes required contractors to beef up the foundation by installing 432 steel H-piles, ranging from 46 ft to 57 ft in length.


"The foundations required isolation from the existing structure such that external vibrations were not induced into the test specimen and test vibrations were not transmitted to the facility," Thomas Lorentz, senior vice president with AEC Engineering, told ENR Southeast during construction.