而其他西南分包商have struggled during these challenging economic times, Corbins Electric has prospered. The Phoenix-based company saw revenue rise 22% in 2010 to $42.8 million, one of the best performances by any regional subcontractor. The total includes $37.2 million from Arizona projects.

Corbins, which also has an office in Albuquerque, N.M., anticipates an increase of 28.5% in 2011 to $55 million, says Mark Fleming, president and CEO. In those roles since 2001 and a 25-year company veteran, Fleming estimates 2012 revenue of about $50 million.

尽管行业低迷,拥有268名雇员的公司mpany has thrived by effectively partnering with major contractors on key projects. These include Baker Concrete Construction Inc., Monroe, Ohio, for the multi-phase $2-billion Nuclear Enrichment Facility in Eunice, N.M., the first major nuclear facility licensed in the U.S. in three decades, and Hensel Phelps Construction Co., Greeley, Colo., on the $400-million first phase of the PHX Sky Train project.


Corbins Electric在2005年开设了一个可持续的部门,因为太阳能行业开始在整个西南部的迅速扩张。在可持续能源总监格雷格·普尔森(Greg Poulsen)的领导下,该公司于4月完成了绿色项目,例如位于加利福尼亚州圣马蒂奥的Casa Grande耗资160万美元的沃尔玛配送中18luck官网心,该项目于4月完成。包括在Corbins Electric的2.15兆瓦光伏系统中,包括本垒打,导管和逆变器的安装。弗莱明说:“太阳能将成为亚利桑那州的重要资产,幸运的是,我们参与其中。”

弗莱明说,总承包商不仅因为其合作技巧,而且还因为公司的广泛构建能力,因此转向了Corbins Electric。其中包括由六名虚拟现实专家提供的构建信息建模(BIM)的设计帮助和专业知识。

另一个关键资源是该公司在凤凰城的23,000平方英尺预制店。“几乎所有东西都可以被预先制作,”现场运营总监约翰·拉拉比(John Larrabee)于2007年加入该公司。“通过完成尽可能多的工作,我们在现场更有效地工作了。”

The company's ability to prefabricate conduit has helped with construction of the PHX Sky Train system at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, which will move passengers throughout the airport and connect to the existing Phoenix light rail line.

Begun in late 2009, the project's first phase will be complete in December. Under an $11.8-million electrical contract, Corbins Electric is installing utilities from the Arizona Public Service substation to a new dedicated yard. The project's scope also includes the 12kV medium-voltage propulsion power for the rail cars, communications conduits to the propulsion buildings and work in electrical yards at various stations and facilities. At peak, the job site and prefab crew have included 35 Corbins Electric staff.
