ENR Southwest's annual surveyof general contractors shows that 2011 was a transition year for the industry. Many firms were still feeling the effects of the recession, while others saw revenue jump dramatically.

Contractors in Arizona fared best, with 2011 revenue climbing to $4.7 billion, a rise of nearly 16% over 2010.

亚利桑那州坦佩市的SUNDT Construction看到收入增长了28%。SUNDT首席运营官埃里克·赫德隆德(Eric Hedlund)说:“成功的关键是我们的市场部门多样性。”该公司执行民事,工业,建筑和联邦工作。

DPR Construction's Phoenix office had a stellar year, with revenue up 68% in 2011. "We have learned to embrace the fact that all markets are never flat simultaneously," says Dave Elrod, regional manager.

尽管市场有所改善,但承包商尚未脱离树林。亚利桑那州建筑商联盟凤凰城执行董事马克·米特(Mark Minter)说:“虽然数量有所增加,但这项新工作没有利润或利润。”由于劳动力,设备和其他成本,增长往往会不成比例地消耗建筑现金,因此随着工作负载的增加,公司可能会在财务上感到困扰。18luck.cub他说:“只需要一个项目,他们没有得到报酬或薪水很慢,而且他们已经失业了。”

Hensel Phelps Construction的Phoenix办公室的地区经理Steve Grauer说,另一个挑战是吸引和重新培训熟练的工匠,以取代经济衰退期间损失的大量数量。

新墨西哥州承包商的收入幅度适中,达到2011年的12亿美元,而2010年为11亿美元。由于收入增长了61%,新泽西州里奥·兰乔(Rio Rancho)的Brycon Corp.,N.M。Rio Rancho,在整个图表中取得了12个幅度。布莱肯首席财务官菲尔·卡萨斯(Phil Casuas)说,尽管一些承包商被迫将台阶或冒险进入陌生的市场打破,但他的公司专注于可以通过艰难的经济周期来度过的行业和客户。但是,该公司预计未来一年的总体市场改善。卡萨斯说:“在经济和政治环境改善并变得更容易预测之前,我们的许多客户谨慎地不要过度扩张自己。”

Nevada Stagnates


Tutor Perini Building Corp., Henderson, Nev., recently completed a 10-year continuous run of multibillion-dollar Las Vegas projects such as CityCenter, Cosmopolitan and the just-opened Terminal 3 at McCarran International Airport. With revenue declining 73% in the region in 2011, the firm began shifting resources geographically into New York City and California, scoring several high-profile contracts in the process. "We've been able to overcome the shortage of work opportunities in Las Vegas," says Richard Rizzo, vice chairman. He adds that the megaprojects were anomalies. "Perini was built on smaller projects; our people are comfortable in that environment. We just have to convince our clients that we can add value at that level."