It was a year that many had hoped would mark a distinct end to the recession and the return to better times. However, political uncertainty prevented a dramatic recovery in 2012; instead, the Southwest saw recovery in fits and starts. While the housing market returned and helped spur private development, large government projects were wrapping up and new ones weren't coming online to replace them. For every two companies doing well, there were four that were still struggling.


一年始于该国最大的私人持有construction equipment rental company's bankruptcy。Ahern Rentals Inc., the 58-year-old family-owned equipment rental giant that filed for voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy at the end of last year, revealed that it was $620 million in debt, with $2.8 million in unpaid employee wages and salaries.

具有讽刺意味的是,2012年的另一个关于艾恩(Ahern)破产的报告,不幸的是,这是个坏消息。新利luckENR记者Tony Illia posted on his blogthat a judge ruled that other parties may submit alternate reorganization plans, since Ahern has been unable to reconcile its differences with creditors, despite four time extensions.

这courtroom drama over theHarmon Hotel在CityCenter在拉斯维加斯,一年中升温,新的法院裁决将传奇延伸到2014年。

其他公司通过伙伴关系和合并寻求力量。DCK Worldwide首席执行官Stephen D'Angelo9月,他的公司购买新利luck了凤凰城的峰会建设者​​。

一系列的开创性帮助凤凰城建筑市场。这罗斯福角公寓破土动工in downtown Phoenix early in 2012, and by the fall, the project was being脱颖而出。适当适合春季Chicago Cubs Spring Training Facilitybroke ground in Mesa, Ariz. Banner Health began construction on the $151-millionEstrella Patient Towerin the southwest valley. Also in the southwest valley city of Laveen, Ariz., Henderson, Nev.-based Tutor Perini Building Corp. broke ground on theVee Quiva Casino & Hotel一份8200万美元的合同。

英特尔宣布将在其已经50万美元以上的数十亿美元的钱德勒(Ariz。Ariz。Ariz。CampusKuspeartion)上增加3亿美元的建筑,并将其新的建筑物增加,这是英特尔宣布的,这是英特尔宣布的,这是英特尔宣布的,这是英特尔宣布的,这是英特尔宣布的全部资金。research and development facility。Around the same time in August, the Mayo Clinic announced a $130-million expansion to its underway proton beam therapy building to consolidate its凤凰癌中心

Despite the deep trough Nevada found itself in after the recession, there were a few encouraging signs in 2012. A proposed306英里的管道前进。巨额15亿美元联合村in Henderson sought to reinvent how projects are developed.

After some quiet construction years, the Las Vegas Strip roared back to life with unusual dueling projects -- two giant sky wheels. The 500-ft-tallSkyVue观察轮曼德勒湾度假村对面的地面破土动工。同时,凯撒(Caesars)正在建造Linq,这是一个巨大的5.5亿美元娱乐综合体,其中包括自己的天轮。凯撒还宣布计划花费1.85亿美元为了重新发明陈旧的拉斯维加斯大道物业,比尔的赌博大厅进入了一家精品酒店/赌场。