The east and north facades were opened up to install 81 operable windows and two industrial-style roll-up doors. The windows provide a large amount of daylighting that makes the DPR office almost entirely free of artificial light during the day. Eighty-two Solatubes work in tandem with the windows and provide enough direct overhead lighting to eliminate 70% of the electric lighting load. A lighting control system is programmed to dim the office lights gradually on or off depending on the intensity of outside light. In the San Diego office, which doesn't have the system, employees would notice a jarring on/off transition from artificial to natural light, Robertson says.

The windows also serve as an integral part of the building's passive cooling system. An energy monitoring system reacts to the desert heat and wind speed by opening the windows to allow natural air flow and, when appropriate, activating "shower" towers that use evaporative cooling from water mist to reduce the inflow air temperature to comfortable levels.


冷却系统的核心 - 以及建筑内部 - 是87英尺长的锌包邮太阳能烟囱,其自然地从建筑物上排出热量。这反过来又创造了一个对流电流,通过窗户和淋浴塔将更酷的空气拉入工作空间。



由于人类对环境的影响,“人们必须适应这一必要的正常情况,”Bel-Aire机械总裁们詹姆斯·迪南(Bel-Aire Mechanial),设计助攻分包商。

Proof of Concept

作为净零地位的考虑的一部分,该建筑必须经历一年的能源监测,这将于12月1日期结束。到目前为止,该建筑物正在追踪,因为它每年使用的能源,辅助79-kw光伏系统,也可以着色停车区。晚上,工人抛出一个“吸血鬼”开关,以挫败任何电气设备 - 微波炉,手机充电器,无线电 - 当建筑物中没有乘客时,可以从电源插头拉出能量。