
"It's a stable to strong market," says Todd Papes, senior vice president with AECOM's Gulf Coast district office in Houston. Second in this year's ranking of the largest design firms, the firm generated $136.72 million regionally last year with 46% of that revenue from transportation projects. The firm's largest project to break ground last year was a $54.4-million streetcar rail expansion in New Orleans, on which AECOM performed the final engineering.


HDR北部部门经理Ramon Miguez说:“运输市场是几年来最强的。”




The booming oil and gas sector helped significantly boost 2012 revenue. Several firms focusing on that market weren't listed in last year's ranking but appeared this year, including UniversalPegasus International, Houston; Surveying and Mapping, Austin; Eagleton Engineering, Houston; and Keystone Engineering, Mandeville, La.

首席运营官巴里·里德(Barry Reed)说,凯斯通工程(Keystone Engineering)预计,尽管由于劳动力市场特别紧张而存在挑战,但仍会持续增长。自2010年以来,Keystone的收入已从2012年的16.4美元增加到3660万美元。今年排名第31。

Last year, the company's biggest job was a $40-million condensate stabilization project in the Eagle Ford shale formation in South Texas. The company sees ongoing growth in the region's shale oil developments fueling a variety of projects, says Daniel Cantrell, general manager of the firm's Houston office. "We also expect renewed activity in the chemical manufacturing sector due to the low price of natural gas," he adds.


一些公司并不完全专注于石油和天然气,而是从该专业知识中受益。裘德·科莫(Jude Comeaux)是一家这样一家公司的业务发展副总裁。