
今年前十名的构成提供了一个很好的市场快照,因为许多具有工业,石化和电力工作的公司的改善,而专注于传统的商业和机构部门的公司都退缩了。Turner Industries,巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge),收入为17.8亿美元,而绩效承包商和也在那里的Cajun Industries,休斯顿的David E. Harvey Builders升入了前10名。德克萨斯州阿灵顿的阿切尔·西(Archer Western);佛罗里达州坦帕市的克拉克(Clark Construction)退出了该群体。


尽管许多工业承包商在2011年的收入提高了,但特纳工业公司公司副总裁史蒂芬·托普(Stephen Toups)表示,这不确定。在炼油厂工作急剧放缓之后,市场面临着巨大的不确定性。

"We had to go back to basics, listen to our clients and be ready to respond to the market," he says. "Fortunately, it paid off." Turner's largest project to break ground in 2011 was a non-traditional facility—Valero's $250-million Diamond Green Diesel Biofuels project in Norco, La. Ninth-ranked Cajun Industries completed $45 million of work on that project.

Toups says that although the market remains uncertain today, he is "very optimistic about the future of [Turner's] customers in the years going forward."


戴维·E·哈维(David E. Harvey)建筑商去年还看到了石油和天然气行业的收入反弹,但这并不是由于该行业的传统项目。18luck官网公司收入的近90%都在一般建筑中,包括在伍德兰兹附近休斯顿以北建造的新的埃克森美孚校园的工作。公司收入从2010年的5.6亿美元增加到2011年的6.28亿美元。

哈维·哈维(David Harvey),哈维·哈维(David Harvey),哈维·哈维(David Harvey),哈维·哈维(David Harvey),援引当地人的话说:“也是如此。他说,去年,被搁置的办公项目开始放松并前进。18luck官网哈维说,与此同时,市区的宽敞可行空间越来越稀缺。

However, some in the local business community remain in a holding pattern. "A lot of people are concerned about the political climate," he says. "We heard people say now is not the right time to build and they'd wait until after the [presidential] election."