

Revenue changes from 2002 to 2003 varied widely among individual firms on the Top 400. Firms in stagnant markets, such as power, saw their numbers drop from previous boom years. "The power market, particularly in gas plants, is way down," says Keith Manning, senior vice president of business development for Zachry Construction Corp. "However, 2004 looks like it's going to be a good year for new bookings and proposals," he says.

One major change in the power market is the surge of interest in coal-fired plants. "The problem for that market is that there is a long front-end on them with design and permitting," Manning says. However, he believes that there will be major new coal plant projects awarded in late 2004 and early 2005.

福斯特·惠勒公司(Foster Wheeler Corp.)仍在遭受电力市场低迷和其他公司问题的困扰,但是公司董事长,总裁兼首席执行官雷蒙德·J·米尔科维奇(Raymond J. Milchovich)说,他看到了这家经济挣扎的公司的希望迹象。现在,该公司正处于一项资本重组计划的“安静时期”中,他说,该公司将在6月中旬完成时每年将债务减少5亿美元,并将利息费用减少3000万美元。他说:“这种完整的债务交易所是我们的重中之重。”“这将大大改善我们的财务状况。”


福斯特惠勒问整体收入较低uarter, but it slowed its losses, from $19.8 million for last year's first quarter to $4.3 million this year. The firm took a $24.6-million charge related to one problematic power project in Europe that the firm declines to identify.


Marnell Corrao is on the other side of the market swing. The Las Vegas-based casino builder has had a roller-coaster ride over the past few years. "In 2001, we were in the process of looking at moving across the U.S.," says CEO Tony Marnell. "Then 9/11 happened" and the hotel, resort and casino market dried up. "We spent the next 18 months retooling, hiring some top people and refocusing on our core markets in Nevada." As a result, contracting revenue for the firm fell dramatically in 2001 and 2002.

但是Marnell Corrao在2003年反弹,其收入超过了2002年的三倍,这是所有前400名的最大收益。部分原因是该公司现在正在开发Steve Wynn Resorts的25亿美元$ 25亿美元的赌场,赌场,和高尔夫球场。Marnell说:“但是,当您获得这样的巨大赌场项目时,其他客户倾向于关注其他项目。”18luck官网该公司还在MGM Grand Hotel&Casino的一个主要新陈列室工作。马内尔说:“我们还在许多其他赌场看到了重大的翻新工作。”

排名前400名的收入最大之一是列表中排名第一的公司Bechtel发布。它在2003年的收入收入增长了36%以上,该公司的新预订幅度甚至更快。副首席运营官兼执行副总裁Jude Laspa说:“这来自我们的长期多元化战略和我们的重点。”他说,贝克特(Bechtel)在进入新市场时试图预测长期客户和市场需求,但也重点关注如何最好地提供增值服务以维持市场份额。

LASPA以电信市场为例。Laspa说:“ 10年前我们不在电信市场上。但是,我们看到,尽管单个牢房并不复杂,但在短时间内一次安装和安装4,000座塔的能力并不是一项巨大的工作。”“这在管理和物流方面发挥了优势。”他声称,Bechtel现在是世界上最大的电信承包商。

The fact that Bechtel is so big and growing fast does not mean it is grabbing everything in sight. "This is a low margin business, so we have to take a look at what's at risk on each job," Laspa says. He is concerned about other firms in the industry that are ignoring risks. "We are seeing some of our competitors who are hungry and taking risks we wouldn't." Laspa says that the industry's reputation is damaged when major players get into trouble or go out of business. "It sends a message to the banks that this business is a higher risk than it really is."

在过去的一年中,麦卡锡建筑商等许多主要承包商都经历了财务变动。自140年前成立以来,这是第一次,没有麦卡锡的家庭成员作为所有者。总裁迈克尔·赫斯特(Michael Hurst)说:“我们完成了麦卡锡家族股票的最后一笔购买,现在已拥有100%的员工拥有。”该公司现在由大约70名经理拥有30%,由员工股票所有权计划拥有70%。他说:“每个受薪员工现在都有所有权股权。我们本质上有大约780个所有者。”

But that's not the only change McCarthy is planning for. It is beginning to consider expanding east of the Mississippi River. "Our first move will probably be in the Southeast, but it's very early in the planning stages," says Hurst. "We haven't even decided yet whether to move into a market or acquire a firm."

其他承包商希望在地理上扩展。“我们有12个区域办事处与我们的房地产办事处保持一致,并担任每个办公室的区域承包商,” Duke Realty的执行副总裁兼该公司建筑部门负责人Duke Construction的执行副总裁Steven Kennedy说。“我们开始以国家规模从事工作。”

CB&I是一家经历重大变化并迅速增加其规模的公司。董事长兼首席执行官杰拉尔德·格伦(Gerald Glenn)说:“我们从芝加哥桥和铁上改了名字,因为我们认为我们不再在芝加哥,我们不在桥市场上,也不与铁合作。”在过去的几年中,该公司收购了几家公司,包括Pitt-Des Moines,用于储罐和压力船的增加容量,Howe-Baker的炼油厂能力以及John Brown Brown碳氢化合物...