Less than a year after its transformative acquisition of U.S.-based giant Parsons Brinckerhoff for $1.35 billion, Canada's WSP Global is set to expand domestically with an Aug. 25 announced plan to purchase privately-held Ontario engineer MMM Group Ltd. for about $320.5 million.


WSP说,MMM Group是加拿大最大的私人设计师之一。它在ENR的全球设计公司名单上排名第106,在新利luck2014年收入中,其收入为2.56亿美元,在加拿大的收入约为800万加元。超过一半的交通运输,大约16%的建筑行业。

WSP全球首席执行官Pierre Shoiry在宣布购买时说:“我们预计我们的行业将继续合并。”

根据协议,将在第三季度,Hugo Blasutta, CEO of MMM, would join WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff, says WSP Global, but it did not disclose his executive role. David Ackert continues as President and CEO of WSP Canada Inc. The proposed buy is being funded by a public offering and by private placement by two key WSP Global investors.

In announcing results last month, WSP Global met or exceeded Wall St. estimates, reporting $827 million in revenue for its second quarter and net earnings of $79.7 million.

"Organic growth was quite strong despite the Canadian drag" largely tied to Focus Group, said Maxim Sytchev, a Toronto-based engineering and construction research analyst for Dundee Securities, in an Aug. 5 note. But he said only about 10% of WSP revenue is in oil-and-gas and mining sectors.

Sytchev说:“ WSP估值并不便宜,但他指出,建筑物,运输和环境是全球增长的领域。”这些占公司收入流的79%。

The firm told investors it expects 2015 total revenue of between $3.08 billion and $3.46 billion.

"Management remains on track to deliver $25 million of cost synergies related to the Parsons Brinckerhoff acquisition for 2016," said Yuri Lynk, Montreal-based E&C sector analyst for Canaccord Genuuity, also in an Aug. 5 note.