在佛罗里达州的运输工程师PBSJ Corp.近十年来,一家涉及其前首席财务官和两名员工的公司挪用公款丑闻震撼了一家耗资3600万美元的企业挪用公款丑闻,另一家行业公司感到顶级高管的金融不当行为。

联邦陪审团定罪,前首席财务官兼帕里克公司(Paric Corp.)高级副总裁布莱恩·帕洛克(Brian Paluch),圣路易斯建筑承包商,2014年收入约为3.15亿美元,涉及三项邮件欺诈罪。



这位58岁的高管从2007年开始一直在该公司工作,直到他去年开除,他使用公司发行的American Express卡来支付包括个人旅行,餐饮,水疗费用,Country-Chlub购买,电子产品,电子产品的费用正义说,给家人和朋友的个人礼物。

An attorney for Paluch did not return ENR phone calls, but had argued ina pretrial brief that Paluch was being prosecuted "for accounting errors for minutiae not normally handled by a CFO," according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Prosecutors contended that Paluch's relationship with Paric CEO Joseph McKee deteriorated after he was passed over for a promotion to firm president. Keith Wolkoff was elevated to that role in 2012.

He was convicted of three counts of mail fraud and will be sentenced in in U.S. District Court in St. Louis on Nov. 30. He faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and fines up to $250,000 on each count.

Justice did not reveal the total of funds misappropriated by Paluch, but his indictment last December indicated the figure was about $150,000, according to the Post-Dispatch.




该公司的外部律师罗恩·奥康纳(Ron O'Connor)在一份声明中说:“陪审团的决定应成为其他人,他们错误地认为对雇主或任何公司的欺诈行为是可以接受或微不足道的。”“尽管没有任何不法行为的客户或帕里克的项目18luck官网受到影响,但这一适当的判决提醒我们,欺诈不是无害的犯罪。”


W. Scott DeLoach, former CFO of PBSJ, was sentenced to eight years in federal prison in 2007 after pleading guilty to his role in the $36-million, 13-year embezzlement scheme. He also received a two-year concurrent sentence for pleading guilty to using ”straw men” to make illegal donations of $11,000 to a 2004 senatorial campaign.

该公司前董事长约翰·B·祖姆瓦尔特(John B.

PBSJ was acquired by U.K.-based Atkins in 2010.