Despite many challenges,受控拆除公司。在2011年新西兰地震中,基督城14层的无线电网络房屋的爆炸成功领导了抛光剂。CDI说,8月5日的内爆可能打开新西兰其他受控拆除的大门。

CDI总裁J. Mark Loizeaux说:“尽管1986年[结构]在已经是一项严格的地震守则的建筑中,CDI确实做到了CDI所说的话,” CDI总裁J. Mark Loizeaux说。

他补充说,处理concrete structure's reinforcing steel, the area's poor soil conditions and the limited selection of low-energy and low-velocity explosives available in New Zealand were the job's greatest challenges.



CDI and its team managed to avoid damaging underground utilities, which was a major concern to government authorities. “Vibration generated was very low, says Loizeaux.

The key task remaining is to compare actual vibration readings, taken from soil that has been called “the worst” in Christchurch” to see if CDI’s computer were able to accurately predict vibration at various distances to adjacent properties. The models are based CDI’s implosion database of similar structures and soil conditions.

如果真实数据与模型保持一致,则很可能坎特伯雷地震恢复授权will accept requests to use controlled demolition on other damaged properties, rather than razing using slower, more conventional methods, says Loizeaux.