On top of concerns about dwindling backlogs and an uncertain economic outlook, slow payment for work already performed is now sapping the strength of many industry firms. Across the industry, executives report pay cycles for general contractors have stretched to an average of 45 to 60 days from 30 days a year ago. Subcontractors report pay cycles in the 90-day range, roughly twice the average from a year ago.


In addition, firms say owners are increasingly holding retainage beyond reasonable time periods, further eroding cash flow and profits. Delays in pay for work already performed are increasing operating costs and causing firms to draw on already tightened lines of credit.

“From California to Boston, from Detroit to the Gulf Coast, we’re seeing the same theme,” says Jason Henley, chairman of the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) and CFO of Nashville-based general contractor D.F. Chase. “Payment has slowed across the board. It’s bad for general contractors, and it’s even worse for subcontractors.”

Darlene East,美国分包商协会和Holes Inc.总裁兼休斯顿的具体割草和拆除公司董事会,表示,一些成员公司正在经历大约一半的项目平均薪酬周期。18luck官网“有更多的脚拖延和借口,”她说。“这对承包商来说是一个巨大的问题。”


“Most owners we are dealing with are stretching payments as far as they can until the sub screams or threatens,” says Vincent Terraferma, president of KSW Mechanical Services Inc., Long Island City, N.Y. “It’s impacting our cash flow and our subcontractors who cannot get paid until we do.”

As a result, subcontractors must rely on lines of credit at a time when credit from banks is tighter and more costly. “All of that increases costs,” says East.

David Bradbury, president of Precision Concrete, Alpharetta, Ga., says 90% of his projects are experiencing unusually long payment cycles and increased haggling over retainage. Owners are “holding retainage until the bitter end,” he says. On one public project, the firm has $1 million pending in retainage on work completed in January.

- 杰森亨利,主席





斯科特卡兰(Scith Gambrell&Russell)亚特兰大的律师说,许多公司正在变得更加合作。“一年前,分包商将起诉我们所看到的一些付费条件,”他说。“现在我们看到了不同的态度,以便继续与拥有工作的业主合作。”

