如果时间是金钱,那么Brutoco Engineering&Construction Inc.都为加利福尼亚州的现金短缺的官员都节省了。这家总部位于加利福尼亚州的Fontana公司于9月赢得了美国的复苏和再投资ACT资助合同,以扩大了橙县的91号高速公路。在加利福尼亚运输部(CALTRANS)官员估计的情况下,它的出价低于低于2000万美元,超过400个工作日。Caltrans发言人Tracey Lavelle说,Brutoco认为它可以在大约300个工作日内完成工作。她说:“这是承包商非常激进的时间表。”

Orange County, Calif.
Orange County, Calif.

The project came along at the right time for Brutoco, says Michael Murphy, president of the 43-year-old company. “[The bid] had a unique twist on it. [It] isn’t strictly low bid,” Murphy says. “It’s, ‘How fast can you do the job?’ ”

Brutoco had the staff available to start work on the freeway right away, Murphy says. “We’re in need of some work, just like everyone else,” he notes. “It fit us very well.” Work is expected to begin in late October or early November.

Brutoco will widen the freeway over a four-mile stretch and add an eastbound lane. The contractor also will erect a series of retaining walls. The project is meant to relieve congestion on the highway, a critical link which transports thousands of commuters daily to and from California’s so-called Inland Empire of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. It is the state’s third-largest metropolitan area, with more than 4 million residents. Work on the freeway was recently listed among 21 “must-do” projects in Southern California by Mobility 21, a transportation advocacy group.


The job was slated to begin construction soon, even without ARRA funding. The infusion of stimulus cash keeps the project on track, especially as other state revenue sources, such as Proposition 1B funds, may become unavailable, Lavelle adds.



“It’s the type of job we would have gone after, stimulus or not,” Murphy says.