

在合作社可以回答有关碳捕获项目所带来的问题以及它的影响是什么,Wolverine电源Cooperative Inc.的发言人表示,仍然有一个“大量工作”。凯迪拉克,密歇根州。

金刚狼厂将捕获300,000 TPY的CO2
ARRA Contract Amount $2.7 Million

Wolverine was among 12 industrial carbon-capture and -storage (CCS) project proposals chosen by the Dept. of Energy on Oct. 2 to receive $21.6 million of stimulus money. None of the money will go directly to construction. Recipients will vie for an additional $50 million to $400 million in stimulus funds. The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act made $1.4 billion available for CCS.

狼獾现在正在谈判其奖项条款。Tiffany Edwards表示,合作社将有七个月来展示项目的可行性,并且其技术是可持续的,迪伊斯·德华州蒂芙尼爱德华兹表示。她说,并非所有项18luck官网目都将获得额外的资金。

Wolverine’s project must demonstrate the use of advanced amines and additives in capturing 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year on a 600-MW circulating-fluidized-bed powerplant Wolverine plans to build in Rogers City, Mich. Further work is tied to a pending air permit from Michigan’s Dept. of Environmental Quality. The plant would burn coal, petroleum coke and biomass.