根据伦敦国际项目和成本管理公司Gardiner&Theobald Inc.的数据,全球经济衰退削弱了建筑18luck.cub成本,其在其专门为ENR进行的第十八届国际成本调查中。新利luckG&T的调查涵盖了50个国家。

在欧洲,有12个国家 /地区报告了2009年的建筑成本数字的平均水平为8.3%。在其余的八个欧洲国家中,建筑通货膨胀率平均为2.2%。这与该集团去年的平均通货膨胀率相符,当时只有四个国家报告成本下降。18luck.cub2007年,欧洲的建筑通胀平均为4.6%。

The largest price declines were recorded in Eastern Europe with building tender prices in 2009 falling 17% in Slovakia, 15% in both Croatia and the Czech Republic and 12% in Bulgaria. But hardest hit was the former Celtic Tiger: In Ireland construction costs tumbled 11%, following declines of 10% in 2008 and 4% in 2007, according to G&T.



India’s growing economy helped to push construction costs up 14% this year, one of the few double-digit increases reported by G&T for any country in 2009. However, even that 14% hike was down from increases of 16% in 2008 and 19% in 2007, according to G&T.

In the U.S., G&T’s offices reported cost declines for this year of 9.1% in New York City, 8.5% in Seattle, 8.3% in Washington, D.C. “But, unlike Europe, where costs are still falling, we believe that we are at the bottom of the market in the U.S. and that costs will be flat over the next 12 months here,” says Andrew Mann, who runs G&T’s U.S. operations.


偿付能力担心上个月末迪拜最大的全球股票市场之一,但“这笔钱开始枯竭了很多,” G&T的本地合作18luck官网伙伴杰夫·希金斯(Jeff Higgins)说。在过去的六个月中,“建筑和发展中的每个人都非常谨慎,”他补充说。



Across Europe, construction costs have generally fallen, though Germany seems to buck the trend. “We had expected a reduction in construction costs [there]. That has not happened because of the amount of injection of public funding,” says John Atkins, of cost consultant E.C. Harris’s office in Düsseldorf. Commercial construction has been “very badly hit,” but public building has helped plug the gap, and infrastructure work is relatively abundant, says Atkins. Contractors remain active on stimulus work, but they are more available than they were last year. At that time, “We had real problems getting contractors to price work,” he says.


像英国一样,爱尔兰共和国正在遭受房地产和银行贷款挥霍的后果。G&T董事总经理凯文·詹姆斯(Kevin James)说,建筑经历了“过去30年中最严重的收缩”。“有一种观点认为,招标价格可以追溯到1990 - 2000年。”


建造deflation also has hit Eastern Europe. Moribund markets in Poland have led to a “substantial downward trend” in costs, says Jan Holyst, G&T’s partner in Warsaw. But, with “one or two [building] schemes” now starting, he says he is beginning to detect potential signs of recovery.

在捷克共和国,“承包商非常渴望工作,” G&T当地校长克里斯·冈恩(Chris Gunn)说。他补充说:“在12个月前,某些领域的价格下跌了20%,甚至更多。”

匈牙利的经济刺激计划支撑公共公关ojects, especially in infrastructure. But the private sector has “very weak demand,” says Tibor Stahl, E.C. Harris’ country manager.


但是新兴经济体仍然继续通货膨胀。比勒陀利亚Schoombie Hartmann的合伙人Calvin Setzkorn说,例如,在南非,建筑通货膨胀率慢于5%至6%。他补充说:“明年,我看到建筑价值的逐渐变细。”
