2010年4月8日,新奥尔良联邦法官埃尔登·法伦(Eldon Fallon)在中国的干式墙集诉讼诉讼中,七个弗吉尼亚家庭赔偿了260万美元的赔偿。这一重大判决允许恢复所要求的损害赔偿的广泛要素,并提出了一些可能有害的事实发现。更深入地了解该案例强调了理解适用法律的至关重要性。从一个州越过边界到邻居可能会对建筑项目附带的法律景观,权利和风险产生巨大的潜在影响。

Findings, Reaction法官的意见包含许多有趣的观点和发现值得突出的发现:


2. The case issued extensive scientific findings regarding problems with Chinese drywall; time will tell how much portability this court�s factual findings have, particularly in light of the empty defense table.

3. The plaintiffs convinced the court that the drywall caused their home to be classified as a �severe industrial corrosive environment.�




The other theories of recovery against remote manufacturers would be for breach of UCC warranties. The next layer of analysis would be to evaluate whether the repair costs claimed are direct damages or whether they are consequential damages requiring privity of contract that are thus barred. In product liability construction cases, this often means that plaintiffs are limited to recovering the statutory damages under the Uniform Commercial Code, which is the difference of the value of the product as warranted versus as delivered.


Reading the opinion, the court never discussed any of these issues. The court discusses Virginia law, property damage and recoverable measures of damages for property damages at length. The economic loss rule is never mentioned, nor is the Sensenbrenner case, nor is the UCC line of cases on direct versus consequential damages. This case may have turned out differently if tried in Virginia.




Tim Hughes is Of Counsel to the law firm of Bean, Kinney & Korman in Arlington, Va., and lead editor of the firm’s blog athttp://www.valanduseconstructionlaw.com。He can be reached atthughes@beankinney.com。本文并非旨在提供具体的法律建议,而是作为有关法律事务的一般评论。