不more federal stimulus money, no highway bill, a weak economic recovery, a stalled housing market, a nonresidential building market yet to bottom out, gridlock in government, continued high unemployment—it could add up to no inflation in 2011. That is about as simple as a cost forecast can be. Inflation? Not so much. Engineering News-Record expects its Building Cost Index to increase just 1.3% next year after rising 3.6% in a difficult 2010 market. ENR projects its Construction Cost Index to increase 2.0% in 2011 following this year’s 3.6% gain.

ENR的预测的准确性在很大程度上新利luck影响ed by union wage settlements, which account for 80% of the CCI and 65% of the BCI. With the economy still limping along and construction starts in a slump, there is little confidence that labor wages and benefits could improve significantly in 2011. Union settlements through 2011 will see an average increase of 3%, according to the Construction Labor Research Council, Washington, D.C. Bob Gasperow, president of the CLRC, notes that some of those increases were settled three years ago, before the economic downturn. “Those settlements [from three years ago] are still working through the system,” he says.


美国相关总承包商劳工和就业法副律师丹尼斯·戈德(Denise Gold)表示,许多AGC成员预计2011年的定居点将与2010年的水平保持一致。一年前,ENR预测,BC新利luckI的熟练劳动力成分将增长3.0%;它以3.3%的收益结束了这一年。CCI的劳动力组成部分预计今年将增长3.3%,但收益为3.5%。


The materials component of ENR’s cost indexes is expected to see little inflationary pressure next year. The most common themes voiced by economist interviewed by ENR were that prices were “bottoming out, flat or trending sideways.” In ENR’s forecast, that translates to a 2.1% decline in the MCI, which increased 4.3% this year.

伊利诺伊州斯科基的波特兰水泥协会预测,2011年的水泥消耗量仅为1.4%,在2009年下降了27%,今年仅增长0.3%。这还不足以让价格放弃。预测公司IHS Global Insight,华盛顿特区,预测水泥价格在前三年下降后明年仅上涨0.3%。总体而言,ENR的新利luck预测要求水泥价格下跌0.5%。

木材价格今年经历了一些波动的波动,预计在2011年相对平静。总部位于马萨诸塞州贝德福德市的预测公司Risi于去年4月达到顶峰的复合木材价格,每千英尺高357美元比上一年的%。到本月,这个价格恢复到263美元。Risi经济学家罗伯特·伯格(Robert Berg)说:“经过一些季节性的运输,我们预计价格将以260美元的价格结束。”他说:“该行业的运营能力为60%,明年的运营量不会超过70%。”“在这种环境中,很难维持价格上涨。”新利luckENR的预测要求明年木材价格下跌1.5%。

Steel prices will also trend sideways in 2011, says John Anton, analyst for Global Insight. He says scrap prices are very high right now. “Demand is so bad that scrap prices should come down and with it prices for structural steel.” He says prices have already fallen from a peak of $736 a ton last summer and expects prices to hit $664 a ton by the fourth quarter of next year. ENR’s forecast calls for 2.5% decline in steel prices.