In February, Buffalo became the second city in the nation to ban hydrofracking, as a response to concerns over possible negative impacts of the technique used for extracting natural gas. In November, the New York state Assembly passed a temporary moratorium on hydrofracking to allow for studies to be conducted. With the moratorium ending May 15, some communities are considering if they should follow Buffalo’s lead.

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Vast portions of western and central New York sit atop the Marcellus Shale formation, which contains large reserves of natural gas. The oil and gas industry claims that hydrofracking will be a panacea to the economic woes of the region and that thousands of jobs will be created. These projections are based on studies funded by the natural gas industry, which has enormous stakes in hydrofracking. Studies not funded by the gas industry reach different conclusions, namely that while the practice may bring a short-term boom, it would be followed by a long-term bust. In the long run, if hydrofracking comes to upstate New York, the region may end up worse off economically than it is now.


Jannette M. Barth

While supporters of the technique claim otherwise, evidence shows that hydrofracking may contaminate our water and drilling for shale gas is unlikely to bring long-term economic prosperity to upstate New York.


A recent EPA technical support document states that production and delivery of natural gas emits more greenhouse gases than production and delivery of oil.

关于经济繁荣的承诺,天然气行业资助的研究存在缺陷。阿勒格尼社区发展会议高级副总裁劳拉·费舍尔(Laura Fisher)表示,他们忽略了宾夕法尼亚州70%的天然气钻机工作。钻井操作通常涉及众多瞬态工人,他们在本州的家人向家人发送收入。

Also ignored is increased spending by communities on emergency medical care, first responders and law enforcement. Local hospitals and fire departments may be ill-equipped to handle industrial accidents.

Demands on public transportation budgets are ignored. Fewer new roads and bridges can be built if budgets have to be spent on increased maintenance of roads damaged by increased heavy truck traffic.


Also not reflected are potential declines in other industries. The negative effect on natural beauty and the environment would hurt the tourism industry.

支持者认为属性值将增加。实际上,它们可能会减少。去年秋天,《登顿纪录》纪事报(Denton Record Chronicle)报道说,在德克萨斯州怀斯县(Wise County),房地产评估师的估值在土地上时的估值高达75%。

Although communities could see a short economic boom, independent and academic studies conclude that regions that have encouraged extractive industries experience relatively high poverty and unemployment rates in the long term. Other independent studies show limited multiplier impacts on local economies and any positive impacts are likely to be short-lived.

In the long run, gas companies and a few lucky landowners may be the only ones that benefit from gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale. Are they worth the risks of potentially severe and, in some cases, irreversible consequences in the form of health, environmental, infrastructure and long-term economic degradation? New York state should consider following Buffalo’s lead.

In the end, if hydrofracking comes to upstate New York, the region may end up worse off economically.

Jannette M. Barth博士,J.M. Barth&Associates Inc.和Pepacton Institute LLC的创始人拥有35年的经济建模和预测经验。

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