
�Like everywhere else, there are not a lot of projects to build,� says Bryan Whipple, president of Interior Systems Inc. of Boise and a member of the board of directors for the Idaho Associated General Contractors. �Our approach to dealing with it is traveling to work in other locations and having to adjust our pricing structure in order to be more competitive.


NAMPA总承包商Hansen-Rice Inc.的首席运营官Burke Hansen和2010年爱达荷州AGC总裁都同意时代很艰难。他说:``每个人都在努力工作,但出价清单很长。''他说。``公共部门绝对比私人市场强大。''

Hansen, whose firm builds projects primarily for private companies and does much of its work outside the Boise area, says it is simply a matter of time before banks begin lending money to responsible developers and owners.

Hansen says his goal as president of Idaho AGC is to keep members apprised of the great services offered by the association and help their collective firms weather the challenges of competing in difficult economic times.

我们��再保险试图保持强大的会员服务,our plan rooms to the health benefit trust to our safety program,� he says. �I think (financing) could start loosening up at the tail end of this year or first of next year. We hope for the best, but it�s hard to tell what will happen.�



Reed Hollinshead, public information specialist with the Idaho Dept. of Transportation, says the widening of I-84 is vital to accommodate the growth of the Boise region.

Boise内部或外部I-84沿线有五个重要的项目。18luck官网其中包括Boise的Central Paving Co. Inc.的1780万Vista Avenue Interchange项目;McAlvain Construction的Orchard Street交汇处;Staker Parson Cos。,DBA Idaho Sand和Gravel的3380万美元的10英里道路交易;Concrete Placing Co。耗资1500万美元的Garrity Boulevard交换桥延伸;以及McAlvain Construction耗资410万美元的第11大道地下通道。

�All of the projects going on along I-84, mainly bridge work, are necessary for widening the freeway itself,� Hollinshead says. �Contractors have to widen abutments and make space needed for the roadway.�



Architects Scrambling


``现在,大多数建筑公司都在试图穿越这场风暴,”基于博伊西的Modus Architecture总裁Bruce Poe说。``我们只是无法获得融资。直到银行态度发生变化,我看不到事情发生变化。

Poe, who founded the Idaho chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, says minor tenant-improvement projects are about all there is to chase. �As far as major projects, there are none to be had,� he adds. �We�re finding projects of short duration and getting as many as we can.�


爱达荷州DPW的高级项目经理巴里·米勒(Barry Miller)表示,他的部门希望获得1800万美元的翻新/更改/维修项目。18luck官网

Larger projects, such as the proposed $27-million College of Business and Economics at Boise State University, are in the works primarily because of private donations, but even those are down across the board.

�(Boise State University) is expanding rapidly, but they�re also trying to find other funding sources to help them get additional facilities,� Miller says. �It�s just a matter of getting our state�s revenue stream back up.�