
The Colorado offices of the mechanical contractor have recently tackled some of the state's largest and most complex health care projects. Those include a $47.6-million contract working with general contractor Haselden Construction at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) New Inpatient Tower and Critical Care Wing Expansion in Aurora, Colo., and a $76.8-million contract to provide mechanical contracting for Mortenson Construction at the Exempla St. Joseph Heritage Hospital in Denver.

On both jobs, U.S. Engineering's fabrication teams worked in rented warehouse space near the jobsites to assemble modular components that were then transported to the sites and installed fully intact, saving time and money.

美国工程副总裁Mike Paulus说:“当然,预制并不是什么新鲜事。”“但是在大学医院,我们将其带入了多贸易制造的新水平。我们发现了该地区新的解决方案。”

Paulus, who manages the firm's large projects portfolio, says at UCH the fabrication teams included electricians, drywallers, plumbers and pipefitters who assembled and delivered complete, framed bathroom units in an assembly line setup, with all components in place other than the tile finishes. Crews also fabricated utility corridor racks in 20-ft lengths built to meet seismic standards and customized to handle the building's non-linear corridors and existing deflections, Paulus says. The 144 corridor racks, 24 to a floor, were installed on five floors and carry central utility services throughout the building.

Other prefabricated components at the UCH project included the headwalls with medical gas connections for patient and exam rooms, all assembled, inspected and tested off site, then connected by crews at the site. The project was completed in July and won several awards, among them AGC of Colorado's ACE Project of the Year honors.

The Fabrication Advantage

美国工程项目开发副总裁丹·斯特雷特(Dan Strait)说:“有时很难以直接美元的方式为项目的预制部分节省。”“您仍然必须构建相同的单元,以便组件的成本可能是可比的,但这是一个巨大的节省时间。”18luck.cub而且,他补充说,它可以提高安全性,可以帮助员工的人体工程学健康,这些员工可以以更易于管理的高度处理组件并减少工作场所拥塞和垃圾。

"At UCH, it probably kept 140 to 160 people off site, compressed activities and pulled the schedule forward," Paulus says.

But the fabrication process requires a high level of collaboration among the trades and strong communication and trust between the specialty contracting team and the designers.


“我们的方法项目IPD集成18luck官网项目ect delivery] attitude, a 'draw-it-once' approach," Strait adds. "We try to avoid the redraw step and cut down on using multiple software platforms that don't always communicate with each other. We communicate with the engineers and then put the design directly into our software. But that requires developing very close relationships and trust with your engineers." It also helps both engineers and contractors see both sides of the task and helps with budget and constructibility, Strait adds.

The firm took its experience from the UCH project and refined those processes at St. Joseph Hospital, an ongoing project in central Denver scheduled for completion late next year. At the hospital, prefabrication is helping Mortenson cut the project schedule by 10-12 weeks.

多贸易制造团队还包括丹佛的Encore Electric,组装了病人的浴室,这些浴室完全归根结底。166个多贸易架在四个星期内组装出现场,以及376个患者的头壁。
