
2013年开始列表包含一个正的健康组合rastructure, energy, commercial, health care and institutional projects, many of them rising along the region's new highway and transit corridors—recently completed or still under construction in major urban areas. Salt Lake City and Denver led the region in construction growth last year, up 11% and 8% respectively, over 2012 levels, according to McGraw Hill Construction's Dodge. Both cities also are among the current national leaders in creation of new construction jobs.

Topping the 2013 starts is a $530-million natural gas conversion of the Cherokee Combined Cycle Plant in Denver. Kiewit Power Construction is leading rehab work on the 570-MW powerplant, which the contractor says is 50% complete. Also high on the list is another powerplant conversion: TIC's $114-million construction of a new air-quality control system for the Pawnee Power Plant, a 505-MW, coal-fired generating facility in Brush, Colo.

Major transit work continues across the region, drawing with it the promise of more transit-oriented development, including strong multifamily, office and hospitality sectors.

"When the revamped Denver Union Station (DUS) project opens on May 11, people will be shocked to see all that's going on around here," says Phil Washington, general manager of Denver's Regional Transportation District. Kiewit's $500-million transformation of Union Station into a multimodal regional transportation hub has brought to the lower downtown area up to $1 billion worth of new projects, Washington says.

2013年最高开18luck官网头列表中的几个项目 - 包括耗资4540万美元的三角形大楼,4,490万美元的河滨公园的巴尔福以及4,410万美元的联合车站内部翻新,成为一家精品酒店和零售综合体 - 是Dus的关键部分面向运输的发展。该市的Eagle P3东铁路线正在进行中,该线将与丹佛国际机场联系起来。

RTD还于2013年开始在2013年I-225 I-225铁路线上工作,这是由Aurora的Kiewit建造的10.5英里轻轨延长。它将将RTD的9英里站与计划中的Peoria/Smith站和东线联系起来。Kiewit正在建造八个轻型火车站和八座桥梁,其中包括密西西比大街上的350英尺长的桥梁,作为I-225项目的一部分。

2013年的其他关键项目包括莫18luck官网滕森(Mortenson)的分阶段建设,建造了16500万美元,675,000平方英尺的查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab)科罗拉多州校园。在完整的建设中,校园将能够在38英亩的地点容纳4,500名员工。莫滕森还在柯林斯堡建造了1.2亿美元的伍德沃德·林肯大道办公室和制造业校园。

PCL的250个哥伦拜恩项目,Haselden的Steele Creek和Mileder White的1600万,全部在丹佛,医疗保健,多户,混合用途的建筑繁荣一直持续使用。GE Johnson正在丹佛郊区建造1,800万美元的圣安东尼北部健康校园和Craig医院的翻新。

该地区的运输部门虽然不建立过去几年的大规模项目,但将忙于走廊的改进,包括CDOT的70个双隧道扩大,U.S. 6 Bridges替代项目,I-218luck官网5越来越大,I-25扩大和正在进行的工作在美国36 Boulder之间和丹佛。