• Vote yes to punish government at all levels for more than $1 billion in higher taxes and fees enacted without a vote of the people by Gov. Ritter and statehouse Democrats.

Frankly, both of those arguments are overwrought. All three measures offer some policy changes that voters should like—offset by a monkey-wrench provision that makes each measure hard to swallow.



Mark Hillman



Amendment 61 would prohibit the state from borrowing money for any reason, even with voter approval. Currently, the state is prohibited from borrowing against general tax revenues, but may, with voter approval, issue bonds to be repaid from a specific source—such as a special tax approved by voters. Local governments and school districts could take on voter-approved debt only if it were financed for 10 years or less.

For anyone who believes government should operate like a business, this mandates just the opposite. Imagine if a business couldn’t open a new store unless it could pay cash for the entire cost. If home mortgage contracts were limited to 10 years, monthly payments would double. Interest savings are exaggerated because interest is simply the price paid to use a lender’s money while immediately benefiting from the purchase.


对于那些认为纳税人权利法案通常是良好政策的人来说,这也令人震惊地说,有60和61是对塔博尔的修正案。这些特殊性的萨迪林·塔博尔(Saddling Tabor)就像搭便着秘书处一样。

如果提案101仅废除了民主党的车辆费用增加 - 2010 - 11年度为1.65亿美元,或者是后门财产税的增加,1.55亿美元 - 值得支持。但是,道具101在第一年就不得分,将税收和费用增加了7.44亿美元,随着时间的流逝三倍。




Mark Hillman served as Colorado state treasurer and senate majority leader. To read more or comment, go towww.MarkHillman.com