
Let’s take a look at two of the more common ones, the Rainmaker and Seller-Doer (or Doer-Seller) models, as well as what’s best described as a firm-wide BD culture, in which all staff are expected to contribute to BD efforts. In many firms, elements of more than one model may be combined, particularly the Rainmaker coupled with the Seller-Doer.



Many smaller firms have flourished by embracing this model, often with the founding principal as the rainmaker. Firms can thrive for several years employing it. However, the long-term limitations soon become apparent, and even in a robust economy, growth can hit a wall. Those limitations include:

  • BD文化依靠一些人来使该公司工作中的狮子份额“启用”组织的其余部分。其他人开始认为BD不是theirjob; it’s the rainmaker’s job.
  • Rainmakers may breed resentment because their role and how they’re measured are not well understood, not well defined and often poorly messaged throughout the organization.
  • Firm growth is limited by the amount of work that one person (the rainmaker) can bring in the door.
  • The firm is at risk if rainmakers leave because relationships and institutional knowledge often depart with them.


In the last few years, I’ve observed an increasing level of debate and doubt surrounding the Seller-Doer model. Often, firm leaders become frustrated with the reality that many seller-doers prefer the “doing” to the selling and want little to do with proactive BD initiatives. In addition, it can be difficult to develop and track meaningful goals and metrics for seller-doers, and even more difficult to hold these folks accountable, given their dual roles as doers and sellers.

Most industry firms adhere to some level of this model, with varying degrees of success. In this model, project managers, client leaders and other mid- and senior-level professionals are responsible for selling and doing or managing project work (most often with past or current clients). Utilization targets for most seller-doers range from 25% to 75%, depending on their degree of involvement in the selling process and the extent to which they manage versus do project work. Seller-doers are the lifeblood of A/E/C firms, and the best ones:

  • 了解有关其客户和客户宇宙的一切;
  • 是聆听客户的硕士学位,了解客户目标以及他们如何衡量成功,并通过出色的服务满足客户的满足;
  • Are viewed as a “trusted adviser” by their clients.

卖方做model has its limitations, too. The primary drawback is that seller-doers often focus their efforts on past and current clients. That means the depth and diversity of a firm’s client base is often insufficient to sustain growth, particularly when competition is strong.



Within the past five years, there has been a significant movement industry-wide to inculcate a firm-wide BD culture—one that acknowledges that it is everyone’s responsibility to contribute to the firm’s BD effort. This is due, in part, to firms recognizing the limitations of the Rainmaker and Seller-Doer models. Further, many Gen Yers and others in the firm increasingly want to enhance their career growth by taking on new challenges and roles so as to avoid being pigeonholed.


  • Position and career juncture;
  • BD敏锐度;
  • Personality;
  • 利益。

启动整个BD文化的重大挑战是确定这些定制的贡献并吸引所有人参加。佛罗里达州奥兰多市TLC工程建筑业270人咨询工程公司总裁Debra Lupton说,她的公司正在努力实现这一目标。她说:“我们组织中的每个人都可以为我们的BD努力做出贡献。”“面临的挑战是了解全部服务,并提出适当的后续问题。”
