
On May 11, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law a bill that substantially modifies existing Arizona law concerning the prompt payment of contractors, subcontractors and materials suppliers on private projects. Although Arizona law requires prompt payment of contractors on both public and private construction projects, the new law, S.B. 1375, alters only the statutes that govern private contracts.


An owner may withhold retention or final payment for, among other things, failure to complete requirements of the construction contract, but the owner must issue a written statement to the contractor within 14 days that explains, in reasonable detail, the owner’s reason for withholding. Furthermore, the owner may only withhold payment if the contractor is actually responsible for the owner’s loss and the owner may withhold no more than 150 percent of the costs that the owner can reasonably expect to incur as a consequence of the problem.

Legislative Fix to theSTONECREEK.Decision
新法律最重要的修订废除了STONECREEK.Building Company Inc. v. Hecker, an Arizona Court of Appeals decision that limited the circumstances under which owners could lawfully withhold payment due to concerns about work included on a previously paid invoice. InSTONECREEK., the owners of a custom residence withheld payment on a contractor’s invoice because they were unhappy with a subcontractor’s masonry work that the contractor had billed and the owner had paid for on a prior bill.

The issue presented inSTONECREEK.是业主是否有权反对一般承包商的薪酬申请业主先前已支付承包商的工作。提示付款法规包括所有者可以反对支付的原因详细列表,包括不满意的工作进展和缺陷的建筑工作未经纠正。上诉法院忽略了这个名单,而是专注于规约中的语言,使业主给出“详细说明那些”items in the billingthat are not approved.” The court held the owners violated the prompt pay law by withholding payment based on masonry work for which they had already paid the contractor, reasoning that owners could only withhold payments for “items” of work billed in the current invoice.

The Court’s decision was not consistent with what the Legislature intended when it enacted prompt payment. The revised statute deletes the language referring to “items in the billing” and allows an owner to withhold payment so long as it specifies its “reasons” for withholding the payment. As amended, the pertinent provision reads:

[A] billing or estimate for a progress payment shall be deemed certified and approved . . . unless . . . [the owner] prepares and issues a written statement stating in reasonable detail the owner’s reasons for not certifying or approving all or a portion of the billing or estimate.

Under the new law, contractors and subcontractors must send a copy of the owner’s written statement that identifies the work to which the owner objects to all affected subcontractors or material suppliers within seven days. The contractor must pay any subcontractor or material supplier whose work was not the basis for the owner’s withholding payment within 21 days after payment would otherwise have been made by the owner under the typical 21-day billing cycle.




