
Payment Applications It is common for contractors to have to certify in payment applications that the work is complete and that the contractor has paid all its debts through the date of the previous payment application. However, it may be difficult to estimate the percentage of work in place, and contractors may rely on subcontractors to develop the percentages. Further complications arise when a contractor has to withhold funds from a subcontractor for non-performance after the owner pays those funds to the contractor.


Payment applications also serve as snapshots of when a contractor performs work. The application should help the contractor accurately determine deadlines for notices of lien and bond claims. If the information regarding percentage of work complete is not accurate, contractors may unknowingly miss deadlines and fail to secure liens against the project. It will be difficult to convince an owner or the court that you performed work in the following month when there is a sworn payment application that states otherwise.

Anthony D. Whitley



有更多比金额的书面版本into the blanks. Many releases are broad form waivers, requiring a contractor to release all claims that may exist up to the date of the release. In this regard, the release is not really tied to the amount paid.

法院裁定,即使以临时释放的形式,也有效起草了适当起草的释放。这将包括与时间表有关的索赔,未解决的更改,不可预见的条件,所有者违反合同,与设计相关的索赔和与每个人相关的损害,仅举几例。从这个意义上讲,释放可以删除承包商先前就合同中谈判的权利 - 包括提出索赔,申请付款和解决纠纷的权利,而无需简单的签名。

Contractors should negotiate the terms in partial and final release as if negotiating the contract itself. Making the necessary and appropriate revisions will avoid the risk of unintentionally signing away rights.

安东尼·惠特利(Anthony D. Whitley)是福特·纳森(Ford Nassen&Baldwin)PC的休斯顿办事处的律师,该公司代表建筑行业的公司。有关更多信息,请访问www.fordnassen.com