经济衰退has brought pink slips at many design firms, Corgan Associates of Dallas says it has not laid off a single employee. While the firm has diversified by geography and market niches, it is still honing its reputation as a global leader in aviation and data center markets.

德克萨斯州大草原的以职业为导向的约翰·杜比斯基(John A. Dubiski)职业高中拥有落地窗。青铜色和深色木材的调色板增添了学校的专业外观。
查克·史密斯(Chuck Smith),查尔斯·戴维斯·史密斯(Charles Davis Smith)的照片
Career OrientedJohn A. Dubiski Career High School in Grand Prairie, Texas, boasts floor-to-ceiling windows. A palette of bronze hues and dark wood add to the school’s professional look.

“We have grown organically, and it has carried us through this recession because of an ability to find work in some markets that were sustained and a little more recession-proof and the flexibility of our staff to move to those projects,” says Bob Morris, Corgan president and CEO.

Aviation projects at Dallas Love Field and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport as well as terminal replacement projects at Sacramento International Airport in California and Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport have kept revenue flowing at Corgan.

金融公司和互联网零售商对主要任务数据中心的需求也仍然很高。这是科根(Corgan)25年前开始服务的利基市场,在设计近200个计算机中心的同时开发了专有技术。目前,它在17个州和三个国家 /地区设有设计或建设的数据中心。


Corgan, with joint venture partner HDR, snagged the largest health-care project in Dallas—Parkland’s $1.27-billion replacement hospital.


The project features a unique design, with separate towers for women and infants and for acute care intersecting each other and shared service components, such as dietary and central supply. Construction manager BARA, a joint venture among Balfour Beatty Construction, Austin Commercial, H.J. Russell & Co. and Azteca Enterprises, all of Dallas, broke ground on Parkland in October 2010.

“Corgan has been a standout partner during two years of intensive planning for the New Parkland Hospital,” says Walt Massey, senior vice president for Balfour Beatty Construction and BARA project executive. “Working alongside the owner, dozens of consultants and my construction management team, they have worked through numerous challenges and are always willing to go the extra mile.”




如今,该公司继续分支机构,同时成功地追求学校和私人市场的少量工作。Corgan最近被两个德克萨斯学区授予了两项8000万美元以上的高中项目:西北独立学区(ISD)和Frisco ISD18luck官网

该公司在经济衰退期间获得了一些私人项目。18luck官网Dallas的KDC房地产开发和投资聘用了Corgan,设计了位于艾伯塔省卡尔加里的德克萨斯州传统的新的12层,320,000平方英尺的本地总部大楼。该公司的内饰部门正在为德克萨斯州理查森的服装设计师化石制作485,000平方英尺的室内设计,并进行了90,000平方英尺的三级翻新,房地产经纪人CB Richard Elris共享服务中心的达拉斯共享服务中心。

“The fact we were not having layoffs and continuing to achieve success gave clients a good degree of comfort and trust in us,” says Mitch Paradise, Corgan vice president and director of business development. “That has really set us apart. With our current workload, we are constantly sought after for our perspective on market trends and construction costs.”

Corgan also has reached out geographically, opening offices in Houston, Miami, New York, Phoenix and Beijing. The international location is working on airport projects, bank data centers and mixed-use master planning.

“When we work in China, we export expertise from the U.S. in the context of the high-end expertise we have in aviation and mission-critical data centers. But local presence in a place like China is increasingly important as the workload picks up,” Morris says. “We believe there is a future for us in China as it relates to aviation and mission-critical work, and with the right people in China, there are a number of other projects we can be doing.”


杰克·M·科根(Jack M. Corgan)于1938年创立了科根(Corgan),设计了开车和室内电影院。他是一名飞行员,他飞行了自己的小型飞机,到达西南部的偏远地区。此后,该公司扩大了六个办公室,但没有放弃其紧密联系的Homespun文化,该文化吸引并帮助保持才华横溢的专业人员。例如,莫里斯(Morris)在科根(Corgan)工作了33年。该公司的许多员工已经在该公司工作了20年或更长时间。该公司在达拉斯雇用约323名员工,212名员工。

t -寇根捐赠钱和时间o local causes. Morris calls that “part of our culture.” Employees uncover nonprofit opportunities, such as repairing and refurbishing homes in downtrodden neighborhoods for nonprofit Hearts and Hammers and collecting clothing and household items for Goodwill Industries of Dallas.

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