照片由David Seibold提供

I n 1997, a 13-year-old girl and her family stopped to watch an explosive demolition of an abandoned hospital in Australia. She was killed by flying debris. "Almost overnight, implosions worldwide ceased being actively promoted as spectator events," wrote Brent L. Blanchard, operations manager for consultant Protec Documentation Services, Rancocas Woods, N.J., in his history of the demolition technique.


A safety zone had been established for spectators at the powerplant site, according to local media.

在一份声明中,首席拆除承包商克利夫兰(Cleveland Wrecking Co.)称其为“可怕的事故”,并承诺与进行全面调查的当局合作。去年,克利夫兰的破坏是卡尔 - 奥萨(Cal-Osha)引用的,当时,当他正在进行的航空电梯被倒塌的光束击中时,同一项目的一名工人被杀害。

Officials of one subcontractor, Alpha Explosives, Lincoln, Calif., could not be reached for comment. Another subcontractor, DemTech LLC, declined to comment as an investigation is under way.



Brenton Malin, a professor of communications at the University of Pittsburgh, said news about buildings falling down is low-hanging fruit for the media.

"Spectators like buildings exploding, and it's good news for the media because it's safe news. You can cover it without it being controversial," Malin says.

Blasters don't crave live audiences, say contractors and consultants. Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition Inc., said his firm has never invited the public to view an implosion. "We feel it's not a spectator sport. Regulatory codes prohibit employees or other persons in areas where there could be flying debris."
