The refinery where DeBaldo worked as it appears on a website for retirees from Chevron, which once operated it.



Case in point: A state appeals court in Delaware’s New Castle County last month made a ruling involving an employee of a company that was acquired by URS Corp. The ruling involves the worker’s contention that he didn’t receive or understand at first the medical terminology in his earliest diagnosis.

The appeals-court panel reinstated the claim dismissed by a lower court originally filed, in 2009, by oil-refinery worker Paul DaBaldo Jr. and his wife. He had worked at the Getty Tidewater Oil Refinery in Delaware from 1967 to 2001. His original employer, Catalytic, Inc. and Crane Co., was acquired by Raytheon Constructors, which was acquired by Washington Group International. URS Energy & Construction, part of San Francisco-based URS Corp., later acquired the unit from Washington Group.

DeBaldo sued URS and 19 other defendants for damages related to his illness. URS argued that DeDaldo’s claim was time-barred—in short, the clock had run out. Debaldo then appealed, saying his claim was made on time.




Debaldo的初级保健医师在阅读了放射科医生1992年的报告后写信给Debaldothat "there seems to be little doubt that there is a mild degree of asbestos-related pleural disease," according to court documents.

Debaldo在他的证词中说:“我的医生似乎保证了这是 - 使用'好的'一词,因为他没有在任何事情上警告我。”“而且,你知道,我会定期看到他。”

DaBaldo claims he didn’t receive a copy of that 1992 doctor’s report nor did he get copies of other subsequent reports on his chest X-rays, which were interpreted by doctors. It wasn’t until 2007 that he received an unequivocal asbestosis diagnosis from a doctor, DeBaldo’s lawsuit claims.

In many states, the “discovery rule” dictates whether a claim can be made, says Kenneth Fryncko, a Pittsburgh attorney who represents clients in asbestos-related cases. “The statute of limitations begins to run when you know or should have known you had asbestosis,” he says.

该规则可以追溯到Borel v. Fireboard Papercase, a 1973 federal appeals-court decision upholding a jury verdict. It set a precedent under which the cause of action doesn’t start until the disease is discovered or reasonable due diligence should have discovered it.

The clock doesn’t begin to tick until “the effects of the exposure manifest themselves,” wrote the judges on the Borel case.

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