在佛罗里达理工大学的施工期间,佛罗里达理工大学的6000万美元创新科技建设 - 这比一架飞碟比学习城堡更紧密地 - 这是一个绒翼裁定。Santiago Calatrava,标志性建筑的设计师及其太阳跟踪遮阳系统,挑战建筑团队在摔跤时仍然无法采用,同时摔跤与300,000平方英尺的工作可操作的屋顶百叶窗等复杂功能,所有时间保持质量,安排和预算。

两层椭圆形建筑是新的171英亩的理工学院签名建筑元素,本身于2012年成立于2012年,因为佛罗里达州唯一的公立大学专门用于科学,技术,工程和数学。钢筋混凝土结构 - 支持162,000平方英尺的研究和教学实验室,教室,办公室,学习和支撑区域,公共区域和圆形剧场 - 被筛选露台的84个连接的盖尔戈拉斯系统包围。新利luck

The rooftop's operable louvers cover or shade a 250-ft-long central skylight. Thanks to a hydraulic system, each aluminum arm, as long as 62 ft, automatically raises and lowers individually with the passing sun to control solar heat gain and daylight. Louvers were designed to accommodate photovoltaic tape for future electricity generation.

Coordinate geometry, exposed concrete and steel structure, kinetic elements and a level of construction sophistication unknown in the area, coupled with a requirement to use local vendors, put the building team on the defensive even before the start of construction in November 2011. All the while, the building team felt pressure to satisfy Calatrava, who had voiced concerns about the poor level of craftwork he thought was typical of U.S. subcontractors.

To assuage the architect's fears, each subcontractor selected was put on notice that quality expectations were unusually high. Building information modeling helped with visualization, tight tolerances and coordination.

For success, general contractor Skanska USA Building Inc.'s strategy was to team smaller, local subcontractors with larger subs known to Skanska. Ultimately, 65% of the work force was from the area. The planning and other measures resulted in a project that was completed on time and on budget last June.




这种方法证明了不可行的,因为系统将在结构上产生极端负载。由于设计合作,由结构工程师Thornton Tomasetti和钢铁制造商 - ERCOREN MG MCGRATH参加,百叶窗成为铝,以减轻下面的结构的重量,并最大限度地减少维护。此外,由于每个百叶窗基地的个体液压缸,所以由每个百叶窗的液压缸为独立移动百叶窗的原始概念成为一个独立移动的百叶窗。