威廉·J·安吉洛(William J. Angelo)/ENR

Mark Hasso’s students come to school in baggy shorts, turned-around baseball caps and shaved heads. They’ll leave with marketable degrees, hands-on construction experience, great contacts and $60,000-plus job offers. The civil engineering and construction management professor at Boston’s Wentworth Institute of Technology knows what the industry wants and makes sure his graduates deliver. A day with the veteran engineer-academic shows how dedicated, involved individuals are changing the face of construction education.

大二学生克里斯塔尔·古德里奇(Krystale Goodridge)于上午8点到达,与学校的CM计划协调员Hasso谈论从建筑计划转移。她看到管理砖和砂浆的更好的前景。“去年,开始薪水的平均价格约为53,000美元,”哈索说。“今年,他们进入了60年代,因为行业正在意识到我们的毕业生的质量。大公司一直在这里招募。”他删除了一份新英格兰主要承包商的名单,这些承包商聘请了数百名温特沃斯毕业生。


Goodridge and Hasso discuss what CM is all about and new opportunities for women. He soon prints up her new schedule and she prepares for a fall transfer.

阿德勒·伯纳丁(Adler Bernadin)和VO,老年人通过研究软件公司Primavera如何升级其P3行业线,从而获得了额外的信誉。新利luck这将帮助其他学生进行过渡。

Hasso is a 19-year Wentworth veteran who previously launched his own engineering firm and worked in four other startups, all focused on advanced technology and management. Even with a heavy classload, he still consults, writes books on CM professional practice, stays active in industry groups and does outside volunteer work.

来宾讲师经常。今天,马萨诸塞州港口管理局的安全经理Gary J. Cunningham。他讨论了安全理念和管理,风险评估和日常工作会议。Hasso利用幽默和刺激与他们的演讲者互动。

Hasso uses the the senior project as a tool to teach students how to develop and present a CM services proposal. Three presentations are made to industry senior managers. “We do a comprehensive final presentation that is equal to or better than that found in industry,” he says. “Profits are tight and productivity efficiencies are under the gun. We need to constantly prepare the next generation of managers who will help revolutionize construction management practices.”