wi不到两周之间AFL的结束-CIO convention and the start of the Building and Construction Trades Dept. conclave, BCTD leaders are meeting to reshape resolutions that will be considered following the departure of the teamsters and carpenters.

卡车司机以及联合国服务员工ion, withdrew from the AFL-CIO on July 25, the first day of the labor federation’s 50th constitutional convention in Chicago. The carpenters left the AFL-CIO in 2001 but had been given a convention deadline to reaffiliate. AFL-CIO and BCTD leaders have been perfectly clear: They will uphold the federation’s constitution, which requires AFL-CIO membership in order for a union to participate in an affiliated department. "The rules are what the rules are," says a BCTD official. Its meeting opens in Boston on Aug. 9.


AFL-CIO总统约翰·J·斯威尼(John J. Sweeney)称他们的行动为“对所有工会的严重侮辱……在这个大厅里来这里讨论和辩论困难的问题并做出历史性改变。”斯威尼(Sweeney)的支持者计划通过一系列决议,包括将加强组织努力以提高下垂联盟会员资格的措施。在全国范围内,大约有8%的私营部门工人跌倒了。持不同政见的工会早些时候辩称,斯威尼的提议太少了,太晚了。许多人提出了竞争决议,但在会议上的900名代表并未考虑他们。斯威尼(Sweeney)于7月28日连任,再到另一个四年任期。

铁工联盟主席乔·亨特(Joe Hunt)说,代表和其他人的情绪“令人失望”和“非常关注”。劳动者酋长特里·奥苏利文(Terry O Sullivan)说:“他们生气了。”“情况只是一个糟糕的情况。我们现在比以往任何时候都更需要统一,”钣金工人联盟主席迈克·沙利文(Mike Sullivan)说。尽管如此,沙利文并不期望BCTD剩下的13个建筑工会中的任何一个都拒绝与团队工人和木匠在工会项目上合作。18luck官网他坚持认为,如果工会建设希望具有竞争力,那可能会发生”。

木匠工会主席道格·麦卡隆(Doug McCarron)不在芝加哥,而是在电话采访中说:“我们希望尽可能接近建筑行业。”他认为具有讽刺意味的是,BCTD现在将维护AFL-CIO宪法,禁止在没有联邦隶属关系的情况下进行建筑行业。他说:“他们以前让我回来一次。”麦卡伦说:“他们必须做出自己的决定,但这应该符合建筑行业的最大利益,而不是符合AFL-CIO的最大利益。”

Another concern is money. The teamsters’ and service employees’ unions collectively have more than 3 million members and paid $20 million in per capita dues annually to the AFL-CIO. The 530,000-member carpenters’ union paid approximately $1.5 million annually to BCTD in dues. The teamsters’ construction division, BCTD’s smallest affiliate, paid about $95,400 each year in per capita. "We’ve paid half of that so far this year," says a teamsters’ spokeswoman.

BCTD officials are pondering how to make up the shortfall in dues and address other concerns that could arise from the change in membership. BCTD President Edward C. Sullivan would not elaborate beyond a prepared statement that said the department "very much regrets the disaffiliation of the teamsters from the AFL-CIO. Our affiliated general presidents will be meeting prior to our own 67th convention in Boston to discuss our future course of action relative to the teamsters’ departure."

But other BCTD sources say the presidents will consider updating the procedures used to review per capita payments. There will be a mechanism instituted to ensure each union is paying the full amount reflected by its membership, says one general president. For now, there is no resolution to raise dues, but that might have to be considered in Boston, says one source. "We have to make sure we can perform the duties of the department," says Jim Williams, painters’ union president.

There also is concern about the impact the unions’ departure will have on central labor councils and state labor federations. The loss of the per capita dues represents between 20 and 40% of their annual budgets. "That’s a painful one for everyone," says Williams.

AFL-CIO宪法不允许非附属工会参加。但是团队工会主席吉姆·霍法(Jim Hoffa)表示,他将鼓励当地人继续向CLC缴纳会费。AFL-CIO秘书财务主管Rich Trumka暗示可以建立住宿。他告诉记者:“他们将在AFL执行委员会(AFL执行委员会)以后讨论他们将能够扮演的角色。”他没有详细说明。其他消息来源说,联邦可以将资金引向CLC或州组织以抵消短缺。

Convention attendees also were buzzing about whether any other union would withdraw from the AFL-CIO. The presidents of the food and commercial workers and the hotel and textile workers had board permission to leave. The laborers are the other wild card. O’Sullivan says, for now, he’s staying.