


The first step of my Build Chain concept is to visualize what it is you want to build. For most architects and engineers, that’s not easy to do. But for many clients, owners and closet engineers, it is more difficult than it should be.

Fortunately, 3D virtual engineering tools solve that problem, letting clients and designers share the same vision. The $10,000 to $15,000 spent on 3D visualization early in the project can preclude $100,000 to $150,000 in construction changes later on. So conceptualize became the second step, with 3D virtual engineering providing the key link.


第四步在军队和私人所有者中至关重要 - 计划必要的资金。军事计划重大项目资金将近两年,这使得准确的成本估算和范围控制至关重要。

To link the 3D plan through the program process, we’ve adopted a customer concept document. It essentially is a 35% design a year early, ensuring the client’s requirements are codified and the cost estimate has thorough definition.

The A-E firms out there are wondering, "When are we going to get to design this project?" The answer is now, in the fifth step, design. The CCD and 3D model strongly lead into the design part of the process. And 3D visualization tools allow enhancements like de-conflicting construction phasing or meeting historic preservation criteria.

Best Value

The easiest improvement I made to a step in the project delivery process was in the sixth step, award a contract. For too long, owners, including the military, focused on the lowest bidder. What about experience, track record, quality and timelines? Fortunately, we were able to adopt best-value award criteria. It didn’t take long to realize that awarding to a great-quality, fourth-low bidder might result in a project delivered as we expected, on time and at less cost than the low bidder who added claims to the work later on.


我们每年15亿美元计划的成本增长是很多钱。零是我们的新目标,也是计划的30%至40%,因此建筑商将他们的“ A团队”纳入我们的工作。

OK, now the eighth step, deliver. The key part of this link is what we call the "red zone" process. It’s tough to get all the right things done in the last 90 days before completion. So we came up with a concept to focus on finishing the project right.

There you have it. This isn’t rocket science. The idea is to re-focus the project delivery process across every step so as to leverage opportunities to successfully deliver 99% of the quality, schedule, and cost that the client visualized while the firms involved make enough profit to do even better.

Brig. Gen. Pat Burns, USAF, is director of civil engineering for the Air Combat Command, Langley AFB, Va. He can be reached at 757-764-2001 or Patrick.Burns@langley.af.mil.