Images Courtesy of HUD Rebuild by Design
The Manhattan plan (above) is for a defense that would double as a linear park. The Meadowlands scheme would protect several towns.

If all goes well, the biggest winners in a competition to spark ideas for protecting coastal areas in the wake of 2012's Superstorm Sandy may be the cities of the world. The most ambitious of the six winning schemes of the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development's "Rebuild by Design" competition calls for landscaped storm-surge protection that doubles as parkland along Manhattan's edge in New York City. The scheme's designer envisions the plan as a model for all vulnerable cities.

Called BIG U, it calls for a 10-mile strip of land around the southern- most edges of Manhattan. BIG U camouflages 8- to 10-ft-tall earth berms as landscape, usable mostly as parkland yet doubling as a storm-surge barrier.

"We are creating a solution to protect the city that also offers social benefit," says Kai-Uwe Bergmann, a partner of architect BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, which is leading the BIG U team.


Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is funding BIG U's pilot phase—construction of the first two miles along the East River Park—with $335 million of $920 million in Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds for New Jersey and New York. The funding was included in HUD's most recent allocation of some $2.5 billion of CDBG-DR funds for the Sandy-affected region.

Last year, HUD's Hurricane Sandy Task Force launched Rebuild by Design. Later, HUD announced 10 finalists to compete for the first phase of the project (ENR 8/19/13 p. 17). HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan announced the six winning multidisciplinary teams on June 2.

其他五名获奖者是麻省理工学院+ZUS+Urbanisten团队,在新泽西州为1.5亿美元的新Meadowlands飞行员项目提供,该项目将恢复吸水的湿地,并减少Little Ferry,Moonachie,Carlstadt和Teterboro的洪水泛滥;OMA团队使用硬基础设施和软景观,恢复了Hoboken,Weehawken和Jersey City的脆弱的新泽西州海滨地区的一项耗资2.3亿美元的第一阶段;Interboro团队进行了一项耗资12500万美元的慢速飞行员项目,以改善纽约州拿骚县南岸的南北河走廊;卧室景观建筑团队,在纽约市史坦顿岛的托特维尔举行的一项耗资6000万美元的生活防波堤项目;以及Penn-Design-Olin团队,为期2000万美元的终身项目,以改善纽约市南布朗克斯区的狩猎点区域。
